Fides Service report - "You are the Apostles of Christ with the particular mission to transmit in schools and among students the Gospel values which our society so desperately needs", said His Exc. Mgr. Paul Yembuado Ouédraogo, Archbishop of Bobo -Dioulasso in his speech during the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Jeunesse étudiante catholique du Burkina Faso (JECBF).
The anniversary was celebrated during the annual meeting of the Association which was held in Bobo-Dioulasso from August 3 to 9, in the presence of Mgr. Ouédraogo and the Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security, Soungalo Apollinaire Ouattara.
In the course of the work the annual reports of the 16 structures of JECBF, comprising 13 diocesan associations and 3 universities were examined.
Recalling the recent clashes that followed the death of a student, Justin Zongo, the Archbishop of Bobo-Dioulasso invited everyone to work to build a society based on justice, peace, wisdom, social cohesion and solidarity. In February this year, violent clashes erupted between students and police after the death of Justin Zongo, who officially died of an attack of meningitis, whereas his fellows were victims of violence on behalf of the police.
In thanking all those who collaborate with the Association, Mgr. Ouedraogo stressed the importance of education and evangelization in schools. "The JEC is for us the spearhead both for the Church and for our country, because the former " jécistes " hold numerous positions of responsibility", concluded the Archbishop of Bobo-Dioulasso. (L.M.)
