WYD Blog
Church at Cana.

From Group 9, Catholic Education, Parramatta Diocese

DIOCESE OF PARRAMATTA BLOG: Relaxing, Amazing, Reflective, Serenity, the ability to find inner peace. These were just some of the many different emotions that filled our hearts and souls through the journey of our pilgrimage to Mount Tabor and the nearby town of Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle.

The ascension to the summit of Mount Tabor was both a reckless and exhilarating experience. The way the drivers were able to maneuverer around the many curves and steep inclines was a whole different experience.

When we arrived to the awesome and vast setting of Mount Tabor’s summit, the view that awaited us was breathtaking. The mosaics reflected the transfiguration with the use of gold. The many depictions of Christ gave us a greater understanding of the beauty of the Transfiguration, and gave us an inner sanctum to reflect on many key aspects of our spirituality.

The Mass, which took place above the original site of the transfiguration, was indeed very spiritual and gave us the opportunity to reflect and ponder. The Mass in total was very beautiful and the homily is what set this mass apart as the best so far. Father Warren’s ability to captivate us through the homily made it easy to relate to and his honest and thought provoking words made this Mass a truly memorable experience. He reminded us that we were living in God's footsteps in all we do and say. The way his voice echoed throughout the church filled peoples hearts and minds with a rush of faith and inspiring words to live out the gospel.

For those who wished to attend confession the opportunity was available during our time on Mount Tabor before and after Mass. All the people that attended really proved that they wanted to be closer to God and reach a spiritual side they may not have known they had.


Photographer Ryan Rees captures some special moments during the Holy Land to Madrid pilgrimage, with a Mass celebrated by Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP at Our Lady of the Rosary in Amman, Jordon. One group of pilgrims also ascended Mt Nebo, where God gave Moses a glimpse of the Promised Land.

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Fr John Watkins assists Bishop Anthony at a Mass celebrated at Our Lady of the Rosary in Amman, Jordon.
