Berlins designierter Erzbischof Rainer Maria Woelki  (© dapd )

Erzbischof Dr. Rainer Maria Woelki (IMAGE : DOMRADIO)
KNA REPORT:By Gregor Krumpholz (KNA)

"In the beginning, I was still relatively relaxed," says Rainer Maria Woelki. But when I was on the line, I've got then it moist hands.»

On Saturday Pope Benedict XVI brought the Archbishop of Berlin with 21 other Catholic priest from 14 countries in the Vatican in a solemn consistory Cardinal.

The Roman basilica is almost completely filled, as Woelki is managed as one of the last candidates before the head of the Church. Like its predecessors, Benedict XVI relies on the bright red Cardinal Birett him, presented the document of appointment and infect it the cardinal ring.
In addition, the Pope announces the Roman Pope that is now formally transferred to Woelki. Benedikt XVI. «San Giovanni Maria Vianney» assigns it, a church in a suburb of Rome. The custom recalled that the Cardinals in a special way to the city of the Pope are bound and pledge his loyalty, obedience and cooperation. Because as cardinal Woelki belongs now to the most important advisory body of the Pope - and is with choosing one day probably also his successor.

By the Jesuit Karl Josef Becker, who is absorbed in the consistory on this day as another German a lot distinguishes him. Otherwise as the earlier Roman Professor of theology who advises the Vatican Congregation for many years, until a few months acting Berlin striking Archbishop already externally as he kneels before Pope Benedict XVI. The tall Woelki under the other «Eminences» stands out with its distinctive black eyeglass frame.

Also in other respects, Woelki stands out. 55 Years of age he is the youngest among the 213 members of the Papal Council of «elders» now Is he takes over from the Munich Archbishop Reinhard Marx (58), bearing the cardinal purple since over a year.

Now Marx and he will shape with significantly the course of the Catholic Church in Germany in the coming years, Woelki - white "and strengthen the connections with Rome", as the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Jean-Claude Périsset, with him there at one of the many Cardinal receptions than desire on the way.

Also many other well-wishers came specifically from Berlin and Cologne, where Woelki previously was Auxiliary Bishop. Not only Church dignitaries as the Chairman of the Episcopal Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, traveled to Germany. Woelkis disoriented parents celebrate with. That they can experience the high honor of her son, is also a rarity at Cardinal surveys.

Particularly noted are the words of the Berlin Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit, who delivers the congratulations of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (SPD). The openly gay politician holds with his criticism of ecclesiastical morals not otherwise behind the mountain. Now congratulates Wowereit appointed «city bishop», unexpectedly welcome for many, and is pleased that it understands the dignity of Cardinal as an award of Berlin.

«Impressed» the solemn consistory except Wowereit has two more Berlin: the Evangelical Bishop Markus Dröge and the outgoing President of the Jewish community, Lala Süsskind. Unlike Wowereit are away from the crowds of well-wishers. They enjoy nevertheless about the invitation. «It fits in our city», Susskind praises Woelkis start on the river Spree. Dröge, a Protestant prayer book as a gift presented his colleague. He advises the new Cardinal smirking that he «advises the Pope from the situation of a country of out of the Reformation ".

In the face of so many good wishes, Woelki must still find his new role, he stressed: "sometimes I have a feeling, I'm in the wrong film. And with this openness, he has the sympathy once again on his side.
