Pope Francis "...humbly bring to light the holiness to which the Lord calls us by building, with boldness and perseverance, bridges between men, between generations, between different social and professionals..." FULL TEXT


Hall of the Consistory
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Dear friends,

Welcome on the occasion of your visit to Rome. Thanking you for your presentation of the association "Logia", I want to express my cordial greeting to all its members, as well as to the people you join thanks to the diversity of your initiatives.

With you, I give thanks to the Lord who has allowed you to "return to the source to recover the original freshness of the Gospel" (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, n.11) and to bring out the project "Logia", born in the Flemish part of Belgium. In a secular society, where some would like to relegate religion to the privacy of individuals, the purpose of your association is to emphasize that "authentic faith [...] always implies a deep desire to change the world, to transmit values, to leave something better after our journey on earth "(Ibid., n.183).

Thus, through your presence at the heart of the public forum and in the media, you attest that the choice to follow Christ and to put into practice his words is never a loss of humanity but encourages the deployment of our talents and talents. skills for the good of all, in the service of building a more just, more fraternal, more humane society according to the heart of God. I encourage you, therefore, through your participation in the public debate, to highlight the Gospel as a path of humanization in the school of Jesus, our Lord and Master, not as enemies who point fingers and condemn, but with gentleness and respect (see 1 Peter 3,16), without tiring yourself of doing good (see Ga 6,9).

Through your different initiatives, can you bear witness to the desire of the Church to accompany, with the various social forces, "the proposals that can best meet the dignity of the human person and the common good" (Evangelii Gaudium, n. .241) based on the great richness of the Christian tradition and on the social doctrine of the Church. Take heart to manifest, in words and deeds, that faith in Jesus Christ is never synonymous with confinement because it is this gift of God offered to all men as a way that liberates from sin, the sadness, the interior void, the isolation and the source of a joy that no one can take away from us (Jn 15,11).

To do this, do not be afraid to insist, in your prayer and your participation in the Sacraments, the help of the Holy Spirit to give you "a spirit of holiness that permeates loneliness as well as service, both the intimacy and the work of evangelization, so that every moment [of your life] is the expression of a devoted love under the eyes of the Lord "(Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et exsultate, n.31 ). In this perspective, I also invite you, through your monthly meetings, to develop bonds of fraternity to make visible this communion in the differences, of which the Holy Spirit is the master of work, in order to grow, by your testimony. of life, a culture of encounter and dialogue within society. Under the impulse of the grace of God, may you humbly bring to light the holiness to which the Lord calls us by building, with boldness and perseverance, bridges between men, between generations, between different social and professionals, with special attention to the poor, the poor and all those who are in one way or another excluded.

With this hope, by entrusting you to the Lord, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, I give you the Apostolic Blessing, as well as to all members of the "Logia" Association. Thank you
Source: Vatican.va http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/fr/speeches/2018/may/documents/papa-francesco_20180512_associazione-logia.html
