Wow the Oldest Known Prayer to Mary - "Sub Tuum" - We fly to thy Patronage in Beautiful Chant

This is one of the oldest known prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary found in 300 AD on a Greek Papyrus.
SUB tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.
 WE fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
From the Roman Breviary, Raccolta #333. (S. C. Ind., April 5, 1786; S. P., Dec. 12, 1935). Partial Indulgence.

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