#BreakingNews Tabernacle Desecrated and Eucharist with Ciboriums Stolen from Lourdes Grotto in Santiago

In Santiago, Chile, on Monday, March 28, 2022, the tabernacle of the Lourdes Grotto was desecrated, according to information provided by the rector, Fr. Pedro Pedraza. A Mass and act of reparation was held with with the Cardinal and bishops (See video below). 

“They have profaned the Tabernacle, stealing two ciboriums, a large silver one and a medium gold one, with the consecrated Communion, that the Daughters of Santa Ana, our neighbors, are alerted by a call from the parents of the Santa Ana School that there are hosts dumped on the street," he said.

"And around 4:30 p.m., the Superior of the House of Prayer picks up some hosts and then others are found, along the same street," she added.

“Forgive me, Lord, for you were thrown away like garbage and for what we dare to do to you! What else do you have to put up with us doing to you? ”, She sentenced."They have desecrated the Tabernacle, stealing two ciboriums, a large silver one and a medium gold one, with the consecrated Communion," said the rector.

Letter from the Rector:

Fraternal greetings:
I share with you the sad and painful news that we have experienced today in the Grotto of Lourdes, in the hours of today.
They have desecrated the Tabernacle, stealing two goblets, a large silver one and a medium gold, with the consecrated Communion, that the Daughters of Santa Ana, our
neighbors, are alerted by a call from the parents of the Colegio Santa Ana
that there are hosts lying in the street. And around 4:30 p.m., the Superior of Casa de Oración collects some hosts and then others are found, for the
same street.
We regret this fact and cry for mercy and that, please, accompany us
in a prayer of reparation.
Forgive me, Lord, for you were thrown away like garbage and for what we dare to make you!  
What else do you have to put up with us doing to you?
United in prayer, and in care and attention to the tabernacles.
A hug.
Source: https://www.santuariolourdeschile.cl/sitioweb/profanagrutamar2022.pdf
