#BreakingNews Catholic Church Vandalized with Anti-life Slogans after SCOTUS Draft Leak

A Catholic church, in Boulder, Colorado, USA, has been vandalized with anti-life slogans after the SCOTUS Draft leak. Sacred Heart of Mary parish in Boulder, Colorado was damaged by graffiti on May 3, 2022. This is the second time in the past year that the parish has suffered from pro-

abortion graffiti. On May 2nd the leaked draft decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, for an overturning of Roe vs. Wade, occurred. 
“My Body My Choice,” “Keep Your Religion Off Our Bodies” were some of the slogans. A pickup truck was painted with graffiti, as well as exterior statues. A similar attack happened at the church in September, said Mark Haas, an archdiocese spokesman, in an email to Denver Post. “We knew that the upcoming Supreme Court decision might lead to this again, so I can’t say we were entirely surprised this morning,” Haas said. “We’ve certainly had internal discussions on simple ways parishes can improve their security.” The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident. The church has begun the clean up of the exterior. According to the Denver Post, since February of 2020, the archdiocese has had about 30 reports of vandalism, theft or property damage to area churches.
Images Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10109357977355263&set=pcb.10109357978747473


Unknown said…
Why are they getting away with this???