Catholic Bishops of Chile Facing the Constitutional Proposal: "An informed discernment and a conscientious vote is necessary" FULL TEXT


Bishops of Chile facing the constitutional proposal: "An informed discernment and a conscientious vote is necessary"

This document is the result of the study of the constitutional proposal carried out in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church. 
This reflection was carried out in the meeting that took place between July 18 and 22 in Padre Hurtado.

Friday, July 22, 2022

During this week the bishops studied the constitutional proposal in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church, in the context of the plebiscite to be held on September 4, and at the end of this meeting, they released a document especially dedicated to the participation in the next constitutional referendum: "The bishops, concerned about the life and development of our people, offer our guidance to enlighten the conscience of all, especially those who profess the Christian faith, from the Word of God."

The bishops pointed out in this text, that the Constitution “is a proposal that makes us face our future, with the challenge of discerning whether or not the text offered provides us with an adequate social and legal framework, to build peace, solidarity and justice in our country , ensuring the institutional functioning that makes it possible and allows channeling the demands of citizens, especially the most vulnerable.

They also emphasize that informed discernment and conscientious voting are necessary, always putting the common good of the country first, therefore, we call for compliance with the civic duty of going to vote.

Along with the above, they point out that the new constitutional text “requires a deliberate and well-informed reasoning, which allows an adequate ethical assessment to be made. That is, to discern in conscience if the dignity of the human being is respected and promoted, contributes to the realization of the common good and the other values ​​of social teaching that promote a just order are applied”.

In relation to the content of the proposal on which all Chileans must choose on September 4, they indicate: “we appreciate the constitutional text in its proposal on social rights, the environment and the recognition of indigenous peoples. And we make a negative assessment of the norms that allow the interruption of pregnancy, those that leave open the possibility of euthanasia, those that disfigure the understanding of the family, those that restrict the freedom of parents to teach their children, and those that pose some limitations on the right to education and religious freedom. We consider especially serious the introduction of abortion, which the text of the constitutional proposal calls "the right to voluntary interruption of pregnancy", each of these points are briefly developed,full text .

At the end of this guiding text, the bishops of Chile make a special call to "every citizen personally commits himself to the common good and justice, and seeks to be an architect of peace in the various environments in which he lives with others", on all taking into account that, “as various voices have expressed, everything indicates that the constitutional debate will continue in the country after September 4, regardless of the option that triumphs in the plebiscite. It is important that it be a debate not only about a text and the best standards, but about how we continue to seek an increasingly humane and comprehensive development for all, since "the good, as well as love, justice and solidarity, are not they reach once and for all; they have to be conquered every day.” Therefore,

Check the full text.

Source: Communications CECh
Santiago, 07-22-2022
