
Saint October 11 : Saint John XXIII : #Pope : Patron of #ChristianUnity

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Tuesday October 10, 2017 - #Eucharist

#PopeFrancis "see how the Lord acts, how His mercy transforms our hearts, and thank the Lord for being so merciful”.

Saint October 10 : St. Francis Borgia : #Jesuit : Patron of #Earthquakes and #Portugal

#PopeFrancis This, is the mystery of Christ who became a servant, humbled and annihilated himself and died for us.” Homily

#BreakingNews #ProLife President Trump exempts Organizations from paying for Abortion Drugs - Victory for Little Sisters

How to Say the Rosary - Easy Guide to SHARE - #Rosary - #Prayer will Change the World!

Free Movie - "Resting Place" Lifetime Movies Based on a True Story - 1986 - HD - with Morgan Freeman

#BreakingNews Hundreds of Thousands join in Rosary Prayer Chain on Border of Poland with Bishops

Saint October 9 : St. Denis : Patron of Headaches, Rabies, and Possessed People