
Saint January 4 : St. Elizabeth Ann Seton : Foundress of the Sisters of #Charity ; Patron of Catholic Schools

Free Movie : The Bells of St. Mary's : Stars Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman

FULL TEXT Letter of Pope Francis to US Bishops on Retreat in Response to Abuse Crisis "The hurt caused by these sins and crimes ..."

#BreakingNews 7 Christians Arrested at Christmas for attending Church services - Please Pray

RIP Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-Cheung of Hong Kong - Beloved Bishop Dies at Age 73

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Thursday January 2, 2019 - #Eucharist - #HolyName of Jesus

Holy Name of Jesus Feast with Powerful Prayers Against Evil! Litany + #Novena to the Holy Name to SHARE

Saint January 3 : St. Genevieve : #Virgin : #Patroness of #Paris