
Easter Sunday Mass Online : Sunday April 4, 2021 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church - #Easter Holy Mass

Saint April 4 : St. Isidore of Seville a Bishop of Spain and Patron of the Internet with Prayer

FULL TEXT - Pope Francis says " these dark months of pandemic we hear the Risen Lord who invites us to start again, to never lose hope." at Easter Vigil Homily + Video

Watch LIVE the Shroud of Turin on Holy Saturday - JOIN in Contemplation and Prayer of Jesus with a Blessing for the World

Easter Vigil Mass Online : Saturday April 3, 2021 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church - #EasterVigil Holy Mass

US Bishops Statement on the Situation at the US-Mexico Border "For most, the decision to a matter of life or death." FULL TEXT

Saint April 3 : St. Luigi Scrosoppi the Patron Saint of Football and Founder of the Congregation of Providence

Touching Meditative "Stay with Me" by Taizé with Images from Christ's Passion will move your Soul!

Interesting History of Holy Saturday and Current Elements of the Holiest Day in the Church Year