
Saint November 8 : St. Elizabeth of the Trinity a Carmelite who “wanted to give her life and to return a little of His great love.”

Saint November 7 : St. Willibrord a Bishop who Begged the Pope to Preach in Un-Christian Nations and Patron of Convulsions; Epilepsy; Netherlands

Saint November 6 : St. Leonard whose Prayers brought about Many Miracles and the Patron of Political Prisoners, Prisoners, Women in Labor, and Horses

Saint November 5 : Blessed Solanus Casey - a Franciscan Capuchin Priest of Detroit who was Not Allowed to Preach at Mass

Saint November 5 : St. Zechariah and St. Elizabeth - the Parents of St. John the Baptist Cousin of Jesus

Saint November 4 : St. Charles Borromeo a Reformer of the Church whose Uncle was a Pope and the Patron of Catechists, Catechumens, Seminarians

Saints of November - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of November - Inspirational Saint Stories to SHARE!

Saint November 1 : All Saints Day - a Solemnity Remembering All Those Who Are in Heaven!

Saint October 27 : St. Frumentius - Known as Abuna - a Bishop and the Patron of Ethiopia