
Hostage takeover of Lindt Cafe in Australia Ends with 2 Hostages Killed - RIP

Pope Francis " ‘But Lord, throw a banana peel in front of them, so that they will take a good fall and feel shame that they are sinners..."

Latest News from Vatican Information Service and Pope Francis - Official Release

Wow this short Video makes you see the person inside the girl on the street corner....

Saint December 15 : St. Mary di Rosa : Foundress

Pope Francis "With Jesus, joy is part of the home.” Gaudete Angelus Text/Video

Dynamic Women of Faith - Catholic Conference - Register Now!

Pope Francis welcomes Children for Bambinelli Blessing on Gaudete Sunday - Traditional Blessing of Baby Jesus figurines

Wow Pope Francis sends Christmas greetings to Prisoners - "May the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin Mary keep you under her maternal mantle."