
Saint June 4 : St. Francis Caracciolo : Founder of Minor Clerks Regular : Patron of Cooks

#Novena to St. Charles Lwanga and Martyrs of #Uganda in #Africa - SHARE

#PopeFrancis "That national leaders may firmly commit themselves to ending the arms trade, which victimizes...." June Prayer Intention - FULL TEXT + Video

#BreakingNews Catholic Archbishop commits Suicide found in River - investigation for possible murder - RIP Bishop Jean - Please PRAY

Saint June 3 : St. Clotilde : Patron of #Brides , #Adopted Children and #Widows

#Novena to the Holy Spirit for #Pentecost to SHARE - #Miracle Prayers - 8

Today's Mass Readings and Video : #1stSaturday June 3, 2017 - #Eucharist

Saint June 3 : Sts. Charles Lwanga, Joseph Mkasa, Martyrs of Uganda : Patrons of African Catholic Youth

#Novena to the Holy Spirit for #Pentecost to SHARE - #Miracle Prayers - 7

#PopeFrancis "a subject worthy of all the family’s love, in defending the right to life of the unborn who have no voice..." FULL TEXT - to Families + Video

What is the Sacred Heart of Jesus - #Novena - #Litany to the #SacredHeart - Prayers to SHARE

#PopeFrancis " ‘Love. If you are my friend, you must be a friend to these.’” #Homily

Today's Mass Readings and Video : #1stFriday June 2, 2017 - #Eucharist