
Wow the Most Beautiful Ave Maria that sounds like Heaven! to SHARE #AveMaria

Pope Francis "Dear parents, children are the most precious gift you have received." to Families FULL TEXT

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Feast of the #Nativity of Mary - Sat. September 8, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint September 8 : Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary- #MotherMary - Mother of Jesus

Pope Francis to Widows "I invite you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and to cultivate that particular bond that unites you to him."

#BreakingNews 4 People Killed during Shooting in Cincinnati - Please Pray

Wow Pope Francis to Motorcyclists "I encourage you to spread the values ​​of sport: in this way you will contribute to building a more just and supportive society." FULL TEXT + Video

Today's Mass Readings and Video : #1stFriday September 7, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint September 7 : St. Cloud : #Prince of France

Pope Francis "Today let us ask the Lord for the grace, the grace to find ourselves face to face with Him with this wonder that His presence gives; and the grace to feel that we are sinners..." Homily

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Thursday September 5, 2018 - #Eucharist