
Saint December 29 : St. Thomas Becket an Archbishop of Canterbury who was a Martyr and the Patron of Clergy

Free Christmas Movie : The Christmas Tree - Stars Andrew McCarthy

History of Famous Carol "Silent Night" which is Over 200 Years Old - Originally from Austria and Written by Priest - #SilentNight

RIP Fr. Luke Adeleke - Catholic Priest Killed by Gunmen on Christmas Eve Returning from Holy Mass

Wow LISTEN to the Beautiful "Coventry Carol" that Recalls the History of the Holy Innocents - Sung by King's College Choir

Quote to SHARE of St. Pope John Paul II "The mystery of the Holy Night, which historically happened two thousand years ago, must be lived as a spiritual event in the ‘today’ of the Liturgy. The Word..."

St. Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity in Jeopardy in India as Government Blocks Foreign Funding

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Tuesday, December 28, 2021 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Powerful Prayers to the Holy Innocents - Novena to the Holy Innocents

Saint December 28 : Holy Innocents - Babies Martyred by Herod in Search of Baby Jesus

Free Christian Movie : The Gospel of John : 2003 - Full Movie with over 4 million Views in HD

Wine Blessing of Saint John a Sacramental of Tradition Called “Love of St. John” - Full Prayer with Recipe

RIP Fr. Eliseo “Leo” Fernandez - Catholic Priest Killed by Typhoon - Archdiocese Asks for Prayer

Wow over 1000 Create Nativity for Performance of 'Angels we Have Heard on High' with #PianoGuys to SHARE!

Novena to Saint John the Apostle - Prayers to SHARE - Patron of Authors, Theologians, Publishers, Friendships, and Painters

Holy Mass Online : Mon. December 27, 2021 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church - Christmas Tide

Saint December 27 : St. John the Apostle and Patron of Authors, Theologians, Publishers, Friendships, and Painters

RIP Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu - Death of Anglican Nobel Peace Laureate of South Africa - Pope Sends Condolences

What are the 12 Days of Christmas - Hidden Meaning Revealed to SHARE

Free Christmas Movie : "Joseph of Nazareth" - #StJoseph stars Tobias Moretti

LISTEN to a Breathtaking Silent Night by Piano Guys and Placido Domingo in a Cathedral - SHARE with a Friend!

FULL TEXT of Pope Francis' Letter to Families "Don’t be ashamed to kneel together before Jesus in the Eucharist, in order to find a few moments of peace..."