
Fire at St Anthony Catholic Church in Arizona is being Investigated by Federal Agents

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie : Pope John Paul II - with Albert Finney - #JP2

Terrorist Attacks in Burkina Faso Leave 150 Dead Including Many Christians

LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn with Choir - Composed in Honor of Saint Pope John Paul II - "Open the Doors to Christ" by Mgsr. Marco Frisina

Vatican Synod Update in its Final Week Urges an End to War and Re-inculturising Catholicism in the Age of Post-Secularisation

TOP 10 Saint Pope John Paul II Quotes to Ignite Your Life of Faith! SHARE

The Vatican Announces the Holy See and China have Extended the Provisional Agreement - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - Eucharist In Your Virtual Catholic Church

2 Powerful Prayers to Saint Pope John Paul II with Novena to the Beloved Pope JP2!

St. Pope John Paul II was born as Karol Wojtyla and Forgave the Man who Shot Him! Saint of October 22

#BreakingNews Catholic Indigenous Priest is Murdered after Holy Mass - RIP Father Marcelo Pérez

Atlanta's Archbishop Hartmayer Urges All Catholics to Pray in Response to a Black Mass with a Stolen Eucharistic Host Scheduled on Friday

Vatican's DDF Head Cardinal Fernandez Issues Synod Clarification and Proposes a Step-by-Step Approach Regarding Women's Leadership

Wow LISTEN to a Sublime "Nunc Dimittis" Hymn - New Release by VOCES8 from the Gospel of Saint Luke

Vatican Synod Update Reveals Pope Francis Decides Women Deacons Should Not be Addressed and Final Document Imagery

Pope Francis' New Encyclical Will Help the World that has Lost its Heart to Find Love Again in the Heart of Jesus

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday October 21, 2024 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Ursula and Companions - 11,000 Virgins were Martyred by the Huns for their Faith! Saint of October 21

Austria's Blessed Charles I was an Emperor and King with a Deep Devotion to the Holy Eucharist and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Saint of October 21

St. Hilarion of Gaza, Palestine was an Abbot, who lived in the Desert, and Friend of St. Anthony! Saint of Oct. 21

Who are the 14 New Saints Canonized by Pope Francis on World Mission Sunday? A Brief Biography of these New Heroes of the Catholic Church!

Pope Francis Canonizes 14 New Saints saying “These new saints lived Jesus’ way: service.”