Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, PCPA was born Rita Antoinette Rizzo; April 20, 1923 in Ohio to Italian/American Parents. (Images share from OLAM) She was miraculously cured from a stomach ailment she suffered as a teen. Rita entered the convent secretly even though her mother was opposed to it. At the age of 30 she was in an accident that nearly paralyzed her but she was cured after surgery and prayer to God. Mother Angelica had a great sense of humor. She was also a Pro-Life hero and always supported those belonging to the Pro-Life movement.

Top 10 Quotes
1. We are all called to be great saints, don't miss the opportunity.
2. Unless you are willing to do the ridiculous, God will not do the miraculous. When you have God, you don’t have to know everything about it; you just do it.
3. If you want to be holy, if you seek meaning in your life, start looking into your own life and attacking your pride in all of its many forms. God will give you extraordinary light and the ultimate reward of holiness. For your holiness relies not on what you do, but on what you allow God to do through you. Have courage. God will perfect you.
4. Where most men work for degrees after their names, we work for one before our names: 'St.' It's a much more difficult degree to attain. It takes a lifetime, and you don't get your diploma until you're dead.
5. Everything starts with one person . . . I don't care if you're 5 or 105, God from all eternity chose you to be where you are, at this time in history, to change the world.
6. God always forgives when you are totally repentant and you desire to change. He forgives...and He never gets tired of forgiving. Never. You may get tired asking. I hope not. He never, never tires of forgiving. Never.
7. You can't go to Heaven hating somebody. Forgive now. Be compassionate now. Be patient now. Be grateful now. Love Jesus and Mary now. Accept God's will now.
8. I guess that is what dying must be like; to be finished and to be able to look back at the struggles of life, and know that God was your constant companion.
9. Sometimes my worst day - one filled with pain and suffering - in the eyes of God, is my best day if I've born it cheerfully and I've born it with love.
10. We are commanded to love God with all our strength, heart, mind and soul and our neighbor in the same way God loves us - it is the same love flowing between God and the soul - the soul and its neighbor. It is difficult, but the burden of the cross is light compared to the cross of uncontrolled emotions, anger, insistence on one's own opinion, the frustration of trying to change others rather than being changed oneself, resentment, regrets and guilt. Accepting the present moment like Jesus did is certainly a lighter burden.
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