Pope Francis at Mass with Altar Servers "God’s glory is the needle of our moral compass." FULL Official Homily with Mass Video

“Do everything for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31).  So Saint Paul told us in the reading we just heard.  To give glory to God in everything we do: that is the ultimate criterion for all our words and actions.  It sums up what it means to be a friend of Jesus.  It shows us the way when we are unsure about the right thing to do.  It helps us recognize God’s voice speaking in the depths of our conscience so that we can know his will.  God’s glory is the needle of our moral compass.
Saint Paul also gives us another criterion: “Try to please everyone in everything, so that they may be saved.  All of us are God’s children; we all have the same desires, hopes and aspirations.  When some of us grow discouraged, the rest of us should try to brighten their day and cheer them up.  This helps all of us to remain friends and to show the love of God and the joy of faith in our everyday lives.  If we keep doing this, it will help our brothers and sisters to come to know Jesus, our one Saviour and the hope of the world.
Maybe you are wondering: “Can I do this?  Isn’t it too much for me?”  Certainly, it is a great mission, but it is not impossible.  Once again, Saint Paul encourages us: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ”.  We can carry out this mission by imitating Jesus, like the apostle Paul and all the saints.  Let us look to the saints.  They are the living Gospel, because they translated the message of Christ in their own lives.  Today is the feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.  As a young soldier, he was concerned with his own glory yet, in good time, he was attracted by the glory of God, and there he discovered the heart and meaning of life itself.  So let us imitate the saints.  Let everything we do be for God’s glory and the salvation of our brothers and sisters.  But be attentive and remember: follow the saints on this path.  On this path of holiness there is no room for the lazy.  Thank you! (Source: Vatican.va)
SEE ALSO: http://www.catholicnewsworld.com/2018/07/wow-pope-francis-to-60-000-altar.html
