Synod Relatio with Moderator Cardinal Cupich - FULL TEXT - Youths who experience same-sex attraction and more

Relatio – Circulus Anglicus B
Moderator: Card. CUPICH Blase Joseph
Relator: S.E. Mons. EDWARDS, O.M.I., Mark Stuart
Holy Father, Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We ask that the draft of the final text be available in our own language to assist us in continuing to engage with the Synodal process.
Overall view
The concept of the evangelized and evangelizing Church should frame and direct the structure in Part 3. In that spirit, we suggest that (an adapted) Chapter 3 would be appropriate as the first chapter in this Part.
We then recommend that Part 3 be organized in four chapters:
· who we are
· what we are to do
· to whom we are sent
· what our priorities are to be
Christ and evangelization need to be included in many articles. This reticence is unhelpful and unbecoming.
Part 3 has large sections that are not about choosing and acting. Fewer words would not weaken it. Indeed, it would strengthen it.
The explanation of the role and goals of chaplaincy needs to be strengthened in its many contexts: hospitals, schools, Catholic universities, secular universities and so on. Also, chaplaincy is now most often and effectively carried out in a team environment.
Seminary Formation
We spent a long time discussing seminary formation. Among the points we raised was the need to train future Church leaders to accompany others. New models of formation have been proposed that are more experiential and community focused.
Ministry for and with young people
The document requires a section on the formation of youth ministers as well as the nature and scope of youth ministry. The document requires a section on how to form those who minister to young people and on the nature of ministry to young people. Such a section might describe how they are recruited, trained, supported and accompanied in their work, together with the young people in their youth ministry. We propose that our pastoral plan for youth ministry should be intentional, comprehensive, focussed, planned and resourced.
We strongly recommend that pastoral structures for accountability, safe environment, regular reviews and ongoing formation for those accompanying young people must be provided by the Church.
Ministering to those in difficulty
The article on war and its effects is far too weak and short in the light of what we have heard in the aula. The effects felt by those who are caught up in war are deep and traumatic. They need to know that they have not been forgotten, that the Church remembers, cares and is trying to do something. The effects of wars and conflicts is felt for generations.
Migration also needs to be treated more comprehensively. We heard in the aula that this is a significant issue. The four words that Pope Francis used could be very helpful: Welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating migrants and refugees. There is also a need to promote the right to remain.
Religious Persecution
The difficulties experienced by Catholics through persecution should be addressed. We heard strongly in our small group about the persecution experienced by Catholics in some areas.
Other issues
Youths who experience same-sex attraction
We discussed the issue of Catholics who experience same sex attraction or gender dysphoria. We propose a separate section for this issue and that the main objective of this be the pastoral accompaniment of these people which follows the lines of the relevant section of the Catechism in the Catholic Church.
The role of youth in ecumenism and interreligious dialogue
We have mentioned in our modi multiple places where this can be observed and some places where it can be inserted in the text.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
We recommend that the Sacrament of Confirmation and its role be highlighted in the final text.
Other items
We also offered modi on:
entering the digital environment
media, theatre, art and sport
young people whose lives are marked by illness or disability
political and social engagement
parish, school, university and workplace ministry
ministering to youth who live in rural areas
The role of the auditor.
Our discussions have been enriched by the auditors and, as we continue our deliberations, we will keep in mind what you said. Thank you for your genuineness, your friendship, your devotion to the Lord and his Church and your dedication to the task at hand. We are very grateful.
[01657-EN.01] [Original text: English]
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