Bishop Barron on Abuse Crisis explains "..why this is not the time to leave, but the time to stay..." - Video @BishopBarron

In the video below Bishop Robert Barron discusses the abuse crisis in the Church. Bishop Barron offers solutions for individuals and parishes in coping with the current situation. He has written a new book, titled “Letter to a Suffering Church: A Bishop Speaks on the Sexual Abuse Crisis.”

In light of this current crisis, many Catholics are understandably asking, “Why should I stay? Why not abandon this sinking ship before it drags me or my children under?”

This book explains why this is not the time to leave, but the time to stay and fight.

Thanks to generous donors, you can claim a copy of the print book for free (you just cover shipping) and place bulk orders of 20+ copies for just $1 per copy (with free shipping).

Encourage your pastor and staff to order copies for your whole parish!

NOTE: Any and all profits from the sale of this book will go to trusted charities that support the victims of sexual abuse.
