#BreakingNews Catholic Religious Brother Killed by former Student - RIP Fr. Norbert Emmanuel Mugarura

Superior General of the Banakarooli Brothers, Rev Brother Norbert Emmanuel Mugarura, in Nigeria, was killed by a former student. Police in Kampala have arrested a student of Kyambogo University for allegedly killing his former teacher, Emmanuel Mugarura. The student identified as Robert Asiimwe was arrested after the driver of a car he had hired to reportedly collect garbage, became suspicious of the package that he was directed to take to a dumping site. The driver tipped the police which established that the alleged garbage was a human corpse, wrapped in polyethene material. Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson Patrick Onyango said Asiimwe confirmed that the deceased was called Emmanuel Mugarura, his former teacher at St Charles Lwanga School in Bushenyi District. He said the teacher visited him two days earlier but suddenly died in his room. “Asiimwe Robert called a special hire person to come and help him pick up garbage. The driver tipped police when he realized he had been called to carry a human body,” Onyango said. However, scene of crime officers and first responders said Mugarura’s body had bruises, an indicator that he could have been a victim of strangulation. Onyango said police are now trying to establish what could have happened before and during Mugarura’s stay at Asiimwe’s home.
Mugarura was a religious brother. In January this year, he was appointed leader of all religious brothers in Uganda.
Daily Monitor Nigeria