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CDF Letter from the Vatican Explains Pope Francis' Disapproval of Gender Ideology and States "behavior of the faithful and Catholic politicians must conform to the Magisterium of the Church"


DDL ZAN / VATICAN (See Explainer at Bottom)

«From Pope Francis clear disapproval of the gender. Catholic politicians vote according to the Magisterium "

 Rome, October 27, 2021

"In the face of similar bills, the behavior of the faithful and Catholic politicians must conform to the Magisterium of the Church, which expressed 'clear reproach' on gender ideology through numerous interventions by Pope Francis". This was stated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See in response to the request for doctrinal clarifications on the Zan Bill received by the Pro Vita & Famiglia Onlus association, which was opposed to the approval of the bill which today resumes examination in the Senate.

"We are grateful to the Holy See for the clear and unequivocal response - says the President of Pro Vita & Famiglia Toni Brandi - we ask politicians who call themselves Catholics left and right to reject the Zan Bill and prevent the brainwashing of children it promotes. in Italian schools ".

Thanking Pro Vita & Famiglia "for the work and contribution it does in favor and defense of life, from conception to its natural end, and for the benefit of a true culture of the family", the Vatican Congregation confirms the incompatibility between the identity of gender promoted by the Zan Ddl and Catholic doctrine recalling the "clear disapproval of gender ideology" expressed by Pope Francis in numerous interventions and, in particular, in paragraph 56 of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, in which the "legislative orientations that promote a personal identity and an emotional intimacy radically detached from the biological diversity between male and female" are criticized, and it is considered "disturbing that some ideologies of this type (...) try to impose themselves as a a single thought that also determines the education of children ".

The note, also recalling the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae of St. John Paul II on euthanasia and abortion, reaffirms the position of the Church regarding the commitment and behavior of Catholics in political life, according to which "the well-formed Christian conscience does not allow anyone to favor with one's vote the implementation of a political program or of a single law in which the fundamental contents of faith and morals are subverted by the presentation of alternative proposals or contrary to these contents " , for which" it would be a mistake to confuse the just autonomy that Catholics in politics must assume with the vindication of a principle that is independent of the moral and social teaching of the Church ”.




What is the DDL ZanIn Italy, a disegno di legge (DDL) is the first phase of a law that is proposed by one or more members of parliament. The bill proposes a set of articles that need to be discussed, one at a time, by the different areas of the parliament and go through various approval phases before becoming an approved law.

Alessandro Zan (a member of the Partito Democratico, a leftist political party) intiated the DDL extending the Legge Marino (a law from 1993), which condemns language and deeds that amount to religious, political and racial discrimination with the addition of aggravating factors for sexual orientation, gender and gender identity. At the approval of DDL Zan, those who discriminate against a member of the LGBTQI+ community (and other categories included in the Marino law) would be punished by up to four years imprisonment or community service. 



The DDL Zan was voted on in the Italian parliament in November 2020, where it gained 265 votes in favor and 193 against. In order to be approved, the text needs further passage in the Senate. A party named Fratelli d’Italia and Lega, supported by the Catholic groups, broadly propose that a law is not necessary to prevent discriminatory acts based on sexual and gender identity, affirming that the Marino Law from 1993, already offers enough protection. 
