Corpus Christi Novena - Powerful Prayer Honoring Jesus in the Eucharist as Instituted at the Last Supper

The Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ commemorates the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion by Jesus at the Last Supper. This is celebrated on June 16 in 2022 but, in many places, liturgically on June 19th.
A novena is a powerful prayer that is repeated for 9 days. 
Corpus Christi Novena:
In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Most Holy and Almighty God, we thank you and praise you for giving us the most precious body and blood of Your only son, Jesus Christ. Through the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion we are able to nourish our bodies and souls. We thank you for having made Yourself our food and for uniting us with You in this beautiful Sacrament. 
In receiving the body and blood of Jesus, we live in You and through You. We praise you for offering Yourself as a continual sacrifice to Your Eternal Father for our salvation. Although we are not worthy to receive You, You sacrifice Yourself for us daily. And so, we request your most Holy intercession:
(Mention Your Request)
If it is Your holy Will, please grant our requests. 
Most holy body and blood of Christ, grant us the sacred mysteries so that we may know the grace of Your Redemption.
Dear Lord Jesus, You made the ultimate sacrifice so that You could wash away the sins of the whole world. You have left us the great gift of your body and blood through the Holy Eucharist. We thank you and praise you every day for renewing in the daily sacrifice the actual sacrifice of the cross offered on Calvary, in which you gave divine justice and love for all of us sinners.
Glory be…
Prayer from PrayMoreNovenas
