Pope Francis says "Visiting the elderly must be done by many, together and often" and "...the Christian community that must take care of the elderly..." FULL TEXT + Video

in St Peter's Square on Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Catechesis on Old Age: 14. The joyful service of faith that is learned in gratitude (cf. Mk 1, 29-31)
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
We have listened to the simple and touching account of the healing of the mother-in-law of Simon – who is not yet called Peter – in Mark’s version of the Gospel. The brief episode is related, with slight yet evocative variations, also in the other two synoptic Gospels. “Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever”, writes Mark. We do not know if it is a mild ailment, but in old age even a simple fever can be dangerous. When you are old, you are no longer in control of your body. One has to learn to choose what to do and what not to do.

The vigour of the body fails and abandons us, even though our heart does not stop yearning. One must then learn to purify desire: be patient, choose what to ask of the body and of life. When we are old, we cannot do the same things we did when we were young: the body has another pace, and we must listen to the body and accept its limits. We all have them. I too have to use a walking stick now.
Illness weighs on the elderly in a new and different way compared to when one is young or an adult. It is like a hard blow that falls in an already difficult time. In the elderly, illness seems to hasten death and, in any case, diminish that time we have to live, which we already consider short. The doubt lurks that we will not recover, that “this time it will be the last time I get sick...”, and so on: these ideas come. One cannot dream of hope in a future that now appears non-existent. A renowned Italian writer, Italo Calvino, noted the bitterness of the old who suffer the loss of the things of the past, more than they enjoy the coming of the new. But the Gospel scene we have heard helps us to hope and already offers us a first lesson: Jesus does not visit that sick old woman by himself: he goes there together with the disciples. And this makes us think a bit.
It is precisely the Christian community that must take care of the elderly: relatives and friends, but the community. Visiting the elderly must be done by many, together and often. We should never forget these three lines of the Gospel, especially now that the number of elderly people has grown considerably, also in relation to the young, since we are in this demographic winter, we have fewer children, and there are many old people and few young ones. We must feel a responsibility to visit the elderly who are often alone, and present them to the Lord with our prayers. Jesus himself will teach us how to love them. “A society truly welcomes life when it recognizes that it is also precious in old age, in disability, in serious illness and even when it is fading” (Message to the Pontifical Academy for Life, 19 February 2014). Life is always precious. Jesus, when he sees the sick elderly woman, takes her by the hand and heals her. The same gesture that he uses to revive that young girl who was dead: he takes her by the hand and heals her, putting her back on her feet. Jesus, with this tender gesture of love, gives the first lesson to the disciples: namely, salvation is announced or, better, communicated through attention to that sick person; and the woman’s faith shines in gratitude for the tenderness of God who stooped to her. I return to a theme I have repeated in these catecheses: this throwaway culture seems to cancel out the elderly. Yes, it does not kill them, but socially it eliminates them, as if they were a burden to carry: it is better to conceal them. This is a betrayal of our own humanity, this is the worst thing, this is choosing life according to utility, according to young and not with life as it is, with the wisdom of the elderly, with the limits of the elderly. The elderly have much to give us: there is the wisdom of life. There is much to teach us:this is why we must teach children that their grandparents are to be cared for and visited. The dialogue between young people and grandparents, children and grandparents, is fundamental for society, it is fundamental for the Church, it is fundamental for the health of life. Where there is no dialogue between the young and the old, something is lacking and a generation grows up without past, that is, without roots.
If the first lesson was given by Jesus, the second is given to us by the elderly woman, who arose and “served them”. Even in old age one can, or rather one must serve the community. It is good for the elderly to cultivate the responsibility to serve, overcoming the temptation to stand aside. The Lord does not reject them; on the contrary, he restores to them the strength to serve. And I like to note that there is no special emphasis in the account on the part of the evangelists: it is the normality of following, that the disciples will learn, in its fullness, along the path of formation they will experience in the school of Jesus. The elderly who retain the disposition for healing, consolation, intercession for their brothers and sisters – be they disciples, centurions, people disturbed by evil spirits, those who are rejected – are perhaps the highest testimony to the purity of this gratitude that accompanies faith. If the elderly, instead of being rejected and dismissed from the scene of the events that mark the life of the community, were placed at the centre of collective attention, they would be encouraged to exercise the valuable ministry of gratitude towards God, who forgets no-one. The gratitude of elderly people for the gifts received from God during their life, as Peter’s mother-in-law teaches us, restores to the community the joy of living together, and confers to the faith of the disciples the essential feature of its destination.
But we must learn well that the spirit of intercession and service, which Jesus prescribes to all his disciples, is not simply a matter for women: there is no trace of this limitation in Jesus’ words and gestures. The evangelical service of gratitude for God’s tenderness is not in any way written according to the grammar of the man who is master and the woman who serves. However, this does not detract from the fact that women, in the gratitude and tenderness of faith, can teach men things they find more difficult to understand. Peter’s mother-in-law, before the Apostles arrived, along the path of following Jesus, showed the way to them too. And the special gentleness of Jesus, who “took her by the hand” and “lifted her up”, clearly shows, from the very beginning, his special sensibility towards the weak and the sick, which the Son of God had certainly learned from his Mother. Please, let us make sure that the elderly, grandparents, are close to children, to the young, to hand down this memory of life, to pass on this experience of life, this wisdom of life. To the extent to which we ensure that the young and the old are connected, to this extent there will be more hope for the future of our society.

I extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular, I greet the new priests of Brescia, the faithful of Piedimonte Etneo, the soldiers of the central logistic group.
And please, let's not forget the battered people of Ukraine at war. Let's not get used to living as if war were a distant thing. May our remembrance, our affection, our prayers and our help always be close to this people who suffer so much and who are carrying out a true martyrdom.
Finally, as usual, my thoughts go to the elderly, the sick, the young and the newlyweds. Tomorrow the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is celebrated, which in Italy is transferred to next Sunday. May the Eucharist, mystery of love, be for all of you a source of grace and light that illuminates the paths of life, a support in the midst of difficulties, a sublime comfort in the suffering of every day. To all of you, my blessing.
Special Greetings
Je salue cordialment les pèlerins de langue française. Frères et sœurs, demandons au Seigneur de raviver en nous la sensibilité envers les plus faibles, particulièrement les personnes âgées qui vivent dans la solitude ou dans la souffrance. Que notre proximité et notre soutien soient pour eux source de réconfort et de consolation. Que Dieu vous bénisse!
[I cordially greet the French-speaking pilgrims. Brothers and sisters, let us ask the Lord to revive in us the sensitivity towards the weakest, especially the elderly who live in solitude or suffering. May our closeness and support be a source of comfort and consolation for them. God bless you!]
I greet the English-speaking visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially the various pilgrimage groups from the United States of America. Upon you and your families I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!
Liebe Brüder und Schwestern deutscher Sprache, das Hochfest Fronleichnam lädt uns ein, hinauszugehen und den Herrn in den Alltag hineinzutragen: ihn dorthin zu bringen, wo sich das Leben in all seinen Freuden und Leiden abspielt. Der Herr sei immer und überall bei Euch!
[Dear German-speaking brothers and sisters, the Solemnity of Corpus Domini invites us to go out and bring the Lord into everyday life: to take him where life unfolds with all the joys and sufferings of him. The Lord be with you always and everywhere!]
I cordially greet los peregrinos de lengua española. Looking for the celebration of the solemnity of Corpus Christi, pidamos al Señor que nos conceda ser personas "eucarísticas", que agradecen los dones recibidos y se entregan a los demás sirviendo con alegría, especially a quienes más lo necesitan. Que Dios los bendiga. Muchas gracias.
Queridos amigos de língua portuguesa, obrigado pela vossa presença and sobretudo pelas vossas orações por mim! A todos saúdo, especially ao grupo da paróquia dos Pousos de Leiria, encorajando-vos a apostar em ideais grandes de serviço, que engrandecem o coração e tornam fecundos os vossos talentos. Sobre vós e vossas famílias desça in Bênção do Senhor!
[Dear Portuguese-speaking friends, thank you for your presence and especially for your prayers for me! I greet all of you, in particular the group from the parish of the Pousos of Leiria, encouraging you to bet on the great ideals of service, which widen your heart and make your talents fruitful. May the Blessing of the Lord descend upon you and your families.]
أُحَيِّي المؤمِنينَ الناطِقينَ باللغَةِ العربِيَّة. ُطفُ يسوعXI ا ا تُج█ حXI ح AND بطرس ، ، ا ا ا اHIق AND في ا ا و█ ، ،HI ب AND بHI منذُXI منذُ ا ا ، ، ​​إحسα ا α تُجα تُج█ █فWEف AND و█ ، ا ا. باركَكُم الرّبُّ جَميعًا وحَماكُم دائِمًا مِن كُلِّ شَرّ!
[I greet the Arabic-speaking faithful. The special delicacy of Jesus towards Peter's mother-in-law, elderly and sick, made clear, from the beginning, his special sensitivity towards the weak and the sick, which the Son of God had certainly learned from his Mother. The Lord bless you all and always protect you from all evil!]
Serdecznie pozdrawiam polskich pielgrzymów. Jutro obchodzimy Uroczystość Najświętszego Ciała i Krwi Chrystusa. Ten dzień przypomina nam o realnej obecności Boga w Eucharystii pod postacią chleba i wina. Niech koncerty uwielbienia, odbywające się w tym świątecznym dniu w waszym kraju, rozbudzają wiarę we wszystkich, abyśmy przyjmując Ciało i Krew Chrystusa, coraz głbiej doświadczali di lui miłęśali. Z serca wam błogosławię.
[I cordially greet the Polish pilgrims. Tomorrow the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is celebrated. This day reminds us of the real presence of God in the Eucharist in the form of bread and wine. May the evangelization concerts that take place in your country on this feast, awaken the faith in everyone, so that by receiving the Body and Blood of Christ we can experience his love ever more deeply. I heartily bless you.]
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