Ukraine Archbishop says "...we must say with sorrow that, according to official statistics, almost 700 Ukrainian children became victims of this war..."
Daily Message of His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, June 2, 2022:
Christ is Risen!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
Today is June 1, 2022, and the Ukrainian people are already experiencing the 98th day of the great, bloody war that Russia is waging against the Ukrainian state. And we thank the Lord God, we thank our Armed Forces of Ukraine for surviving this morning and we can see this daylight.
Ukraine is on fire… Ukraine on fire… There are bloody battles along the entire front line, but the heaviest ones are in Luhansk region. According to the military, the war in the east is entering a stage of greatest intensity.
But Ukraine stands. Ukraine is struggling.
Today, when the whole world is celebrating Children's Day, we must say with sorrow that, according to official statistics, almost 700 Ukrainian children became victims of this war, ie were killed or wounded. I don't think anyone knows how many children have actually fallen victim to Russian aggression today. Because children are the most vulnerable category of victims of any war. Instead of going to school, they are the first to share the fate of refugees and suffer mental and physical suffering from the war.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
Today is June 1, 2022, and the Ukrainian people are already experiencing the 98th day of the great, bloody war that Russia is waging against the Ukrainian state. And we thank the Lord God, we thank our Armed Forces of Ukraine for surviving this morning and we can see this daylight.
Ukraine is on fire… Ukraine on fire… There are bloody battles along the entire front line, but the heaviest ones are in Luhansk region. According to the military, the war in the east is entering a stage of greatest intensity.
But Ukraine stands. Ukraine is struggling.
Today, when the whole world is celebrating Children's Day, we must say with sorrow that, according to official statistics, almost 700 Ukrainian children became victims of this war, ie were killed or wounded. I don't think anyone knows how many children have actually fallen victim to Russian aggression today. Because children are the most vulnerable category of victims of any war. Instead of going to school, they are the first to share the fate of refugees and suffer mental and physical suffering from the war.
We pray and feel that the Lord God is with us. He saves his children, so we entrust him with the care of these children of Ukraine.
Today I would like to reflect on the third theological virtue, which is the pinnacle of human perfection, most resembles man to God and is like a spark of divinity in the human being - the virtue of love. "God is love. And he who is in love is in God, ”says St. John the Theologian.
The meaning of "love" in the modern world is so devalued, destroyed, that we sometimes do not understand what it means to love. Therefore, the virtue of love should be distinguished from the feelings, preferences, desires of what we love, love, which is the subject of our desire. Divine Love. It is complete self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice for the sake of the one I love. God has such love for all of us. The fullest manifestation of the meaning of the divine love that leads to sacrifice is the Savior's own words: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Therefore, the full revelation of our God, in whom we believe and who is sacrificial love, we have on the cross. Our Savior, dying, gives his spirit into the hands of the Father and says, "It is finished!"
A person who has received the gift of divine love from God lives eternal life. It is love that is the pinnacle of human perfection. The Apostle Paul says, "If I had the gift of prophecy, knew all the mysteries, and had faith that moved mountains, but had no love, I would be nothing." Love is the divine power that is given to us by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God's love, and helps us not only to fulfill but also to fulfill all of God's law. Because God wants us to love Him, not fear Him. That is why the Lord God says to all of us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, with all your mind, and with your neighbor as yourself. In those two commandments of love we have the fulfillment of all the law and all the prophets.
At first glance, it is strange that true love leads to self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice. It seems to us that when we sacrifice ourselves for another, we die. But in fact, love is a life-giving force. It is the life-giving force. When we give of ourselves, we truly live, we have eternal life. The above-mentioned Apostle Paul says, "Love never fails."
Our people, looking at the sacrificial love of their sons and daughters who give their lives for Ukraine, say: "Heroes do not die!". And it's true. For he who gives himself in love for the homeland, for his relatives and friends, he fulfills the words of Christ that "no one has greater love than he who gives his life for his friends."
Today we ask the Lord God in the midst of the sea of hatred, the sea of evil that the enemy is pouring on our land in this war, the power of His divine love, which can endure everything. For only he who loves can be truly wise, courageous, just, and restrained. We ask the Lord God to teach us to love. Because love gives birth to heroes, and hatred gives birth to criminals.
God, give us Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Your Divine love, for the ascent of which we are waiting! God, by the power of Your Divine love, give us the power of victory over evil, over the enemy, because You said: "I want mercy, not sacrifice"! God, You who gave Yourself for us, teach us to love as You love, and bless Ukraine with your Divine peace, accomplished in love!
The blessing of the Lord be upon you, with His grace and love of man, always, now, and forever and ever. Amen.
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Today I would like to reflect on the third theological virtue, which is the pinnacle of human perfection, most resembles man to God and is like a spark of divinity in the human being - the virtue of love. "God is love. And he who is in love is in God, ”says St. John the Theologian.
The meaning of "love" in the modern world is so devalued, destroyed, that we sometimes do not understand what it means to love. Therefore, the virtue of love should be distinguished from the feelings, preferences, desires of what we love, love, which is the subject of our desire. Divine Love. It is complete self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice for the sake of the one I love. God has such love for all of us. The fullest manifestation of the meaning of the divine love that leads to sacrifice is the Savior's own words: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Therefore, the full revelation of our God, in whom we believe and who is sacrificial love, we have on the cross. Our Savior, dying, gives his spirit into the hands of the Father and says, "It is finished!"
A person who has received the gift of divine love from God lives eternal life. It is love that is the pinnacle of human perfection. The Apostle Paul says, "If I had the gift of prophecy, knew all the mysteries, and had faith that moved mountains, but had no love, I would be nothing." Love is the divine power that is given to us by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God's love, and helps us not only to fulfill but also to fulfill all of God's law. Because God wants us to love Him, not fear Him. That is why the Lord God says to all of us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, with all your mind, and with your neighbor as yourself. In those two commandments of love we have the fulfillment of all the law and all the prophets.
At first glance, it is strange that true love leads to self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice. It seems to us that when we sacrifice ourselves for another, we die. But in fact, love is a life-giving force. It is the life-giving force. When we give of ourselves, we truly live, we have eternal life. The above-mentioned Apostle Paul says, "Love never fails."
Our people, looking at the sacrificial love of their sons and daughters who give their lives for Ukraine, say: "Heroes do not die!". And it's true. For he who gives himself in love for the homeland, for his relatives and friends, he fulfills the words of Christ that "no one has greater love than he who gives his life for his friends."
Today we ask the Lord God in the midst of the sea of hatred, the sea of evil that the enemy is pouring on our land in this war, the power of His divine love, which can endure everything. For only he who loves can be truly wise, courageous, just, and restrained. We ask the Lord God to teach us to love. Because love gives birth to heroes, and hatred gives birth to criminals.
God, give us Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Your Divine love, for the ascent of which we are waiting! God, by the power of Your Divine love, give us the power of victory over evil, over the enemy, because You said: "I want mercy, not sacrifice"! God, You who gave Yourself for us, teach us to love as You love, and bless Ukraine with your Divine peace, accomplished in love!
The blessing of the Lord be upon you, with His grace and love of man, always, now, and forever and ever. Amen.
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Source: UGCC Youtube Channel Linked above