#BreakingNews 12 Pilgrims Die on Bus with 3 Priests and 6 Nuns on Board to Medjugorje after Crash in Croatia with 30 People Injured

According to Polish Foreign Ministry, 12 people have died in a Polish bus accident that occurred on the 62nd kilometer of the highway between Jarek Bisaski and Podvorec, in direction of Zagreb in Croatia. The rest of
Rescue services at a scene of a Polish bus crash on a highway between Varazdin and Zagreb, Croatia, early morning of 06 August 2022. "A serious accident took place around 5:40 am (0340 GMT). The bus deviated and fell into a ditch off the highway," Croatia's police spokesman Marko Muric said. It is believed the driver fell asleep at the wheel.
The death toll rose from 11 after one of the injured died in hospital, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic told a press conference in the northern city of Varaždin.
Eighteen of the 30 wounded, who were all taken to hospitals in the area, were in a serious condition, said Maja Grba Bujevic, head of Croatia's emergency services.
Sixteen emergency medical teams had been dispatched to the crash site.
Top Polish officials, including the President and Prime Minister extended their deepest sympathies to the families of the victims.
Mateusz Morawiecki tweeted that the travelling Poles "were all pilgrims heading for Medjugorje," a Catholic sanctuary in neighbouring Bosnia that draws hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.
The group also included three priests and six nuns, according to the Polish Radio IAR news agency.
"All the victims (are) Polish citizens and the bus was registered in Poland" said Łukasz Jasina, a spokesperson for Poland's foreign ministry.
The people injured in the accident are in five hospitals, including three in the capital Zagreb, deputy Foreign Ministry Marcin Przydacz was quoted as saying by Poland's PAP news agency on Saturday.
Croatia has attracted millions of tourists this summer, drawn to its stunning Adriatic coast. Source: https://www.polskieradio.pl/395/7784/Artykul/3015426,UPDATE-12-dead-30-injured-in-Polish-bus-crash-in-Croatia
The Polish President Andrzej Duda wrote on Twitter: In connection with the tragic accident of the Polish coach in Croatia, which resulted in 11 deaths and 34 injuries, in cooperation with the Croatian emergency services and authorities, we are taking all possible measures to help our compatriots. I express my sympathy to the families of the victims
W związku z tragicznym wypadkiem polskiego autokaru w Chorwacji, w wyniku którego zginęło 11 osób a 34 są ranne, we współpracy z chorwackimi służbami ratowniczymi i władzami podejmujemy wszelkie możliwe działania aby pomóc naszym Rodakom. Rodzinom Ofiar składam wyrazy współczucia
— Andrzej Duda (@AndrzejDuda) August 6, 2022