Wow 10000 People at the Pro-Life March for Life in Poland with the Greeting of the President - VIDEO

 Poland's 17th annual National March for Life gathered about 10,000 people. It's pro-life theme was "I promise you." During the year 150 cities organizes regional marches with hundreds of thousands of people.
(photo: Kamil Zwierz / Center for Life and Family / National March for Life and Family 2022)
Families with children, adults, religious and consecrated persons, all those who wanted to show the beauty and value of the family met on Sunday at Castle Square in Warsaw. The media in Poland and abroad informed about the great annual pro-life event in the capital. The participants of the March were also greeted by the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

This year, the March for Life and Family, which always focuses on respect for human life, family and values ​​that have constituted Christian civilization for centuries, adopted as the slogan the words taken from the marriage vow " I promise you."

And such an oath could be renewed by the spouses who came to the March. Fr. Bogdan Bartołd, the parish priest of the cathedral parish at At 12.00 he led the prayer "Angelus", and then the married couples renewed their oath.

President Andrzej Duda also delivered a message to the event participants:
Parents, children and future parents create a great joyful community here. Together, you give a public witness of your attachment to the noblest ideals; express the belief that a strong family is the prosperity of our homeland. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I cordially greet you.

The spouses emphasized the role of the sacrament of marriage in their lives and paid attention to the beauty of the family.
Judyta and Oskar, quoted by the Polish Radio, came, for example, from Pruszków with two small children, less than 2-year-old Józef and 5-month-old Jeremiasz, to testify to the whole of Poland of their Catholic faith and the value of the family. The spouses emphasized the need to build a homeland based on the principles that God had left behind. 

Also came those who experienced various life difficulties, but are convinced of the indissolubility of the sacrament of marriage, like Sebastian from Pszczyna, asked by the editorial office of Polish Radio.
“I got married 22 years ago, but my wife and I have not been together for 12 years. Nevertheless, I am waiting for her. " The man explained that he had gotten confused and had hurt his wife, causing her to throw him out of the house. "When I achieved the so-called bottom, I met God and realized my mistake; that marriage is indissoluble. Now I'm waiting for my wife. I believe she will come back to me one day.
Many families with young children came to the event, including clergy and consecrated persons who support families in their mission of educating the next generations with prayer and concrete action every day.

As every year, the event was attended by Fr. Tomasz Kancelarczyk, who not only prays for the lives of children at risk of abortion, but also helps pregnant women who are in a difficult situation and are considering abortion. 

The news about the National March for Life and Family also appeared in social media on foreign-language portals.
