Germany's Cardinal Koch and Bishop Bätzing Hold Private Talks in Rome and Koch Apologizes for Comparison with Nazi Era

Cardinal Koch and Bishop Bätzing held confidential talks in Rome
After the conversation, Cardinal Koch and Bishop Bätzing made it clear that the theological debate, to which the cardinal wanted to contribute in the interview, must be continued.
On October 5th, a confidential meeting took place in Rome between Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Christian Unity, and the Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing. The reason was a public controversy about an interview by Cardinal Koch on September 29, 2022 in a newspaper. 
In yesterday's conversation, Cardinal Koch and Bishop Bätzing each exchanged their positions. According to a broadcast by the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Koch once again assured Bishop Bätzing that, with the comparison he used between theological debates on the synodal path and the events surrounding the so-called "German Christians" during the Nazi era, he was by no means ignoring the synodal path of the Church in I meant Germany or the Synodal Assembly. Cardinal Koch expressly emphasizes that he has absolutely no intention of accusing the Synodal members of the terrible ideology of the 1930s. Cardinal Koch apologizes to anyone who feels offended by the comparison he made.
After the conversation, Cardinal Koch and Bishop Bätzing made it clear that the theological debate, to which the cardinal wanted to contribute in the interview, must be continued.
