Bishops of California Statement “The passage of Prop. 1 is devastating for women, children, and families in California." FULL TEXT

California Catholic Conference: Prop. 1 Passage Devastating for Women, Children, and Families in California
November 9, 2022 // News
The California Catholic Conference released the following statement in response to the passage of Proposition 1:
“The passage of Prop. 1 is devastating for women, children, and families in California.
“Prop. 1 has opened the door to unregulated, late-term abortions, all at taxpayer expense, redirecting state funding away from solutions for the greatest needs of California families.
See 6:00 Mark on Video Below:
“Prop. 1 does not solve any of the underlying personal challenges that women cite as reasons for choosing abortion—intimate partner violence, housing insecurity, inadequate access to healthcare, insufficient paid leave, childcare opportunities, or having no one in their lives able to accompany them through pregnancy and parenting.
“Time and truth go hand in hand. The reckless language and realities of Prop. 1 will be realized in due time, and we look forward to fighting again to protect life when Prop 1 is inevitably challenged in the courts.
“While Prop 1 politicians celebrate their political gain, the pro-life community will continue doing what we always do—accompanying women and families in their most difficult moments with life-affirming resources and support. Every day, hundreds of California women facing an unexpected pregnancy look for support in our great state. The pro-life community is there for them through our network of resource centers, pregnancy clinics, maternity homes, and call centers.
“The Catholic community in California invites you to join us through our We Were Born Ready campaign to educate Californians on ways to support and advocate for women in crisis pregnancy situations in our communities. And we continue to pray for our state and the countless lives lost to abortion.”
Letter from the Bishops: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
By now, you have no doubt heard that Prop. 1 passed. While this is tremendously disappointing, and not the outcome we have been working toward and praying for, there is still much to be proud of and thankful for.
Our deepest heartfelt gratitude to every single person who generously answered the call to raise awareness against Prop. 1. Our Catholic dioceses and parishes participated in a way and at an intensity that cannot be denied, and the polling and the election results prove it.
Though the measure succeeded, the number of Californians who identify as pro-life has increased by almost ten percent since this campaign began. In contrast, the number of Californians identifying as pro-choice has dropped seven percentage points, from 62% to 55%. We’ve shown that we can unite and be winsome in advocating against the extreme, expensive, and unnecessary push for late-term abortion.
Thank you to our Bishops, who were vocal in their opposition to Prop. 1 and shepherded us through the contentious waters of abortion in California with a heart for Christ, proclaiming the dignity of every human life.
Thank you to all priests and deacons who courageously brought the fight against Prop. 1 to parishioners through impassioned homilies and prayer events.
Thank you to diocesan leaders and parish captains who poured so much time into organizing, creating materials, and communicating the truth about Prop. 1.
Thank you to every parishioner who gave their precious time to our coalition, from holding voter drives to putting up yard signs and well beyond.
Finally, thank you to every person who acts as the hands and feet of Christ, walking daily with women, children, and families in greatest need in our communities.
At the beginning of this year, the CA bishops stated their resolve “To commit to our sisters that we, the Catholic community of California, will be by your side as you walk the journey of motherhood.” In our parishes, from baby showers to donations to awareness campaigns, the Catholic community is here for every mom and dad and family through our network of resource centers, pregnancy clinics, maternity homes, and call centers. Now is the time to reinvigorate our support for women, children, and families through We Were Born Ready.
We have responded to our Gospel call to serve on behalf of the most vulnerable and to share the love of Christ Jesus. And despite the passage of Prop. 1, we can rest knowing that the Lord sees our work and recognizes our struggle. For, the core of our mission as Christians is to evangelize, spreading the good news of Jesus to the world. We build up the kingdom of God here in our midst, but our mindset is eternal, with hope for the world to come.
“In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, for I have conquered the world.” John 16:33
The California Catholic Conference