WATCH the 2 Super Bowl Commercials to Bring Jesus to Fans - Christian Group Spends Millions for 2 Ads during the Ultimate Football Game

"Jesus loved the people we hate. He gets us. All of us. Jesus."
The non-denominational Christian organization, "He Gets Us," spent millions for 2 ads during the Super Bowl.  "Love Your Enemies," a minute-long Super Bowl commercial they explain: "We see conflict all around us. We align ourselves on different sides of the fight in battles of politics, religion, justice, and too often, we let that conflict morph from a dignified defense of something good into a dehumanizing attack on the people we don’t agree with. It’s tearing us apart. But Jesus offered us an alternative as an example — and his solution wasn’t to grow apathetic and avoid the conflict altogether. He showed us something else entirely, a third way. His response to the ever-increasing volume of hate and conflict was love. Not just any love — confounding, sacrificial, selfless love. You see, Jesus still stood up for what he believed in. He defended the defenseless, spoke up on behalf of the voiceless, even flipped a few tables, but in everything he did, he first moved with love toward the people he disagreed with. What if we tried to love our enemies the way Jesus loved his? How would it change the tenor of our conflicts and our conversations? "
The second, "Be Childlike," as a companion to "Enemies," shows positive images of kids and families. "Jesus didn't want us to act like adults," the ad says, with "If I Could See the World (Through the Eyes of a Child)" playing in the background.

