BREAKING Pope Francis Visits the Hospital Pediatric Ward and Baptizes a Newborn Baby - VIDEO

The Vatican just released a video showing Pope Francis visiting the children hospitalized in the pediatric oncology department of the A. Gemelli hospital, bringing them rosaries, chocolate eggs and copies of a book. During the visit, which lasted about half an hour, the Pope imparted the sacrament of baptism to a baby named Miguel (Michael) Angel, only a few weeks old. At the end he returned to his department. The pope is being treated for bronchitis.

A statement released by the Holy See Press Office Director, Matteo Bruni, said, "He brought them rosaries, chocolate easter eggs and copies of an Italian book for children about Jesus, was born in Bethlehem of Judaea,” the statement said.  Afterwards, the Holy Father encouraged the baby's mother to tell the parish where the Baptism will be registered to say "the Pope baptised him!"

Earlier on Friday, Bruni announced that "As he is scheduled to leave the hospital tomorrow, Pope Francis is expected to be present in St. Peter's Square for the Eucharistic celebration of Palm Sunday, Passion of the Lord." He also updated the press on the Pope's condition, noting that "the day passed well yesterday, following a normal clinical course."
Source: Vatican News
