Archdiocese of Boston Responds to the “Satancon” Convention by Gathering in Prayer, Eucharistic Adoration and Increased Vigilance - FULL TEXT

Following is a message from Bishop Mark regarding the Archdiocese of Boston response to the upcoming “Satancon” convention scheduled for Boston in late April:

Peace be with you,

On behalf of Cardinal Seán, please allow me to share our plan in light of the upcoming “Satancon” convention which will be held in Boston from April 28-30 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. The organizers of this convention are billing it as “the largest satanic gathering in history,” and the event is sold out (

It is important for the Archdiocese of Boston to have a response as many are disturbed by this; however, our response must be balanced and focused on prayer. The balance is between countering its intended evil effects, and, drawing attention to it and making it more prominent. To that end, we ask you to not organize or encourage any of your parishioners to go to the event to protest. It will only fuel the hate of those who support it and feed the media with images.

Rather than protesting in person, we hope to storm the Heavens with prayer. We will shortly issue a list of places throughout our whole Archdiocese where we will gather in adoration and prayer. All of our Shrines have agreed to be a part of this, and most of our monasteries. Our men and women religious will be invited to more intense prayer during that weekend. In addition, many of our parishes will be opening up during the three days to prayer for adoration and Masses with this intention. If you would like your worship space to be listed as a place for people to gather in prayer, please let us know so that you can be added to the list. A coordinating meeting for the places of worship will be held on Tuesday, April 11th, 2-4pm at the Pastoral Center. Participants will also have the option to join via zoom. Please email my assistant Karen D’Alesio at if you wish to join the meeting in person or via zoom. Karen will assist you with any additional details.

Every parish in the Archdiocese is asked to be especially vigilant during the month of April during the distribution of Holy Communion. It would be appropriate to place a discreet watcher during Masses to ensure that those receiving Holy Communion do so immediately so as to prevent anyone from confiscating that which we hold most precious lest the convention try to desecrate it. It would also be appropriate to have protection of our Tabernacles in our open Churches.

Churches in Boston should be especially vigilant during this weekend to any who try to disrespect our Churches. All ushers should be made aware to be vigilant. We will express our vigilance to the Boston Police Department but if you have a local police connection or police officers in your congregation, please communicate with them. The Archdiocese is not aware of any imminent threat, but in the presence of the “largest satanic gathering in history” we have reason to be wary.

It is our understanding that there has been communication with the workers of the hotel, but please be attuned to those in your parishes who may be unwittingly connected to this convention to lend support. If your parish has already made plans for these days, perhaps you could send a representative to our planning meeting, but please adjust these plans in light of the strategy herein this announcement.

Prayers of the Faithful for the weekend before and during will follow in a subsequent email.

The Prayer of Saint Michael is encouraged to be said during these times.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

May God protect us from all evil.

Yours in Christ

Bishop Mark
