On Saturday April 22, 2023, Fathers Henri Planchat, Ladislas Radigue, Polycarpe Tuffier, Marcellin Rouchouze and Frézal Tardieu, martyred priests in 1871, were beatified in Paris, in the Saint-Sulpice church. Henri Planchat, was a priest of the Congregation of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ladislas Radigue and three companion priests of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. They are among the ten religious executed rue Haxo, in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, on May 26, 1871, after a detention of nearly two months. The celebration will be presided over by Cardinal Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints.
“The Apostle of the Suburbs”
All are part of the ten religious executed rue Haxo, in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, on May 26, 1871, after a detention of nearly two months. It was there that the command posts of the fédérés were located, a name which designated the insurgent soldiers of the Paris Commune. They will be murdered and their bodies thrown into a common grave. The insurrection of the Commune will end on May 28, two days later. In 1938, the diocese of Paris will inaugurate in their memory the parish of Notre-Dame-des-Hostages.
Fathers Henri Planchat, Ladislas Radigue, Polycarpe Tuffier, Marcellin Rouchouze and Frézal Tardieu will be beatified.
Request for beatification of the Archbishop of Paris
Your Eminence, the Archdiocese of Paris humbly asks His Holiness Pope Francis to include among the number of blessed the venerable servants of God Henri Planchat, priest, martyr, professed of the Institute of Religious of Saint-Vincent-de- Paul, Ladislas Radigue and his companions Polycarpe Tuffier, Marcellin Rouchouze, and Frézal Tardieu, all priests, martyrs, professed members of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Apostolic Letters of Pope Francis
may in future be called Blessed and be celebrated each year on May 26 in the places and in the manner established by law. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Given in Rome, at the Lateran Palace, the fifteenth day of March in the Year of the Lord Two thousand and twenty-three, in the eleventh year of our Pontificate.
Pope Francis
Thanks to the Holy Father of the Archbishop of Paris
Your Eminence, I, Archbishop of Paris, would like to thank His Holiness Pope Francis wholeheartedly for declaring Henri Planchat, Ladislas Radigue, Polycarpe Tuffier, Marcellin Rouchouze and Frézal Tardieu blessed today. With the whole Church, our thanksgiving goes up to the Lord.
During the Regina Caeli on Sunday April 23, 2023, Pope Francis paid homage to the 5 new Blesseds.
"Yesterday, in Paris, Henri Planchat, priest of the Congregation of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ladislas Radigue and three companion priests of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary were beatified. Pastors inspired by apostolic zeal, they were united in their witness to the faith to the point of martyrdom, which they suffered in Paris in 1871, during the so-called Paris “Commune”. A round of applause for the new Blesseds!"