LISTEN to a Breathtaking Hymn "If ye Love Me" by Thomas Tallis Based on the Words of Jesus from the Gospel


Listen to this breathtaking version of "If ye love me," a four-part motet or anthem by the English composer Thomas Tallis. It is a setting of a passage from the Gospel of John. It was first published in 1565 during the reign of Elizabeth I, and it is an example of Tudor music. An early homophonic motet in English, it is frequently performed today. words spoken by Jesus to his disciples foretelling his own death and promising that God the Father will send to them the Holy Spirit (a "Comforter"): If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever; E'en the spirit of truth. — John 14:15–17. (Text Wikipedia)
