Pope Francis at Historic Joint Audience with Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II "...I implore God Almighty...that He may help us grow in communion, in a single and holy bond of faith"

Saint Peter's Square on Wednesday, 10 May 2023
Brothers and sisters!
It is with great joy today that I greet His Holiness Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark, and the distinguished delegation that is accompanying him.

His Holiness Tawadros accepted my invitation to come to Rome to celebrate with me the fiftieth anniversary of the historic meeting of Saint Paul VI and Pope Shenouda III in 1973.

It was the first meeting between a Bishop of Rome and a Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, which culminated in the signing of a memorable joint Christological declaration, on 10 May precisely. In memory of this event, His Holiness Tawadros came to visit me for the first time on 10 May ten years ago, a few months after his and my election, and proposed to celebrate the “Day of Coptic-Catholic friendship” every 10 May, which since then we have celebrated every year. We call each other on the telephone, we send greetings, and we remain good brothers, we haven’t quarreled!
Dear friend and brother Tawadros, thank you for accepting my invitation on this dual anniversary, and I pray that the light of the Holy Spirit may illuminate your visit to Rome, the important meetings you will have here, and in particular our personal conversations. I thank you from my heart for your commitment to the growing friendship between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church.
Holiness, dear bishops, all of you, together with you I implore God Almighty, by the intercession of the Saints and Martyrs of the Coptic Church, that He may help us grow in communion, in a single and holy bond of faith, hope and Christian love. And speaking of martyrs of the Coptic Church, who are also ours, I want to recall the martyrs on the Libyan beach, who martyred a few years ago.
I ask all of you present to pray to God that He may bless Pope Tawadros’ visit to Rome, and protect the entire Coptic Orthodox Church. May this visit hasten us to the blessed day when we will be one in Christ! Thank you.
Special Greetings:
I extend a cordial welcome to Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular, I greet the faithful of the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in Monteodorisio and those of the Shrine of Santa Filomena in Mugnano del Cardinale. I also greet the students and teachers of the Scuola Nostra Signora di Lourdes in Rome and those of the Istituto Miraglia di Lauria.
Finally, as usual, I address the young, the sick, the elderly and newlyweds: I wish each one of them to keep in Christ the hope that illuminates the meaning of daily existence. I urge everyone to pray to the Virgin Mary during the month dedicated to her.
To her, consoler of the afflicted and Queen of peace, I entrust the tormented Ukraine.
My blessing to all of you and now with Patriarch Tawadros and all together we will pray the Our Father and then Patriarch Tawadros and I will give the blessing.
I extend a warm welcome to the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially the groups from England, Finland, India, Korea, Indonesia, Egypt, South Africa, Australia and the United States of America. In the joy of the Risen Christ, I invoke upon you and your families the loving mercy of God our Father. May the Lord bless you all!

I greet cordially les personnes de langue française, particulièrement les pèlerins venus du diocèse de Gap-Embrun, les jeunes des collèges de France et le groupe de l'université catholique de Yaoundé. Dans our quotidienne mission of baptisés, que l'amour du Christ nous pousse à aller dans les périphéries de nos sociétés à la rencontre de nos frères et sœurs rejetés et abandonnés, afin de leur manifester la tendresse du Seigneur. Que Dieu vous benisse!

[I cordially greet the French-speaking people, especially the pilgrims from the diocese of Gap-Embrun, the young people from the colleges of France and the group from the Catholic University of Yaoundé. In our daily mission as baptized Christians, may the love of Christ impel us to go to the peripheries of our societies to meet our discarded and abandoned brothers and sisters, to show them the Lord's tenderness. God bless you!]

Liebe Brüder und Schwestern, am kommenden Samstag begehen wir den Gedenktag Unserer lieben Frau von Fatima. Nehmen wir ihre Einladung an und beten wir in diesem Monat den Rosenkranz für den Frieden in der Welt. Der auferstandene Herr begleite euch und die selige Jungfrau Maria beschütze euch!

[Dear brothers and sisters, next Saturday we will celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of Fátima. We welcome your invitation and pray the Rosary for peace in the world this month. May the risen Lord accompany you and the Blessed Virgin Mary protect you!]

I cordially greet a los peregrinos de lengua española. Pidamos al Señor, through the intercession of the holy shepherds of the Church —like San Juan de Ávila, whose memory we celebrate today—, who help us to always extend the horizons of our mission and make us strong enough to love him and serve him in all circumstances. Que Jesús los bengiga y la Virgen Santa los cuide. Muchas gracias.

Amados peregrinos de língua portuguesa, nomeadamente os alunos e professors de Penafiel, a cordial saudação for you and your family, enquanto vos anima a tomar por modelo e estímulo da vossa vida a Virgem Maria. A sua paz e coragem estavam apoiado nesta certainza: «Nada é impossível a Deus». Like Ela, we can both your hearts find comfort in the grace of God, whom I invoke above all with the bênção of Senhor.

[Dear Portuguese-speaking pilgrims, especially the students and teachers of Penafiel, my cordial greeting to all of you and to your families: I encourage you to take the Virgin Mary as a model and stimulus for your life. Her peace and her courage were based on this certainty: "Nothing is impossible for God"! Like Her, may your hearts find comfort in the grace of God, which I invoke upon all with the Lord's blessing.]

أُحيِّي المُؤْمِنِينَ الناطِقِينَ باللُغَةِ العَرَبِيَّة. دَعانا السَّيِّدُ المسيحُ وما زال يَدعُونا إلى أنْ نكون كنيسةً واحِدة. وَحْدَتُنا نحن المَسِيحِيِّينَ هي استجابةٌ لإرادَتِهِ وصلاتِهِ. عندما صلَّى يسوع، قال: "يا أَبَتِ القُدُّوس اِحفَظْهُم بِاسمِكَ الَّذي وَهَبتَهُ لي ل ِيَكونوا واحِدًا كما نَحنُ واحِد" (يوحنّا 17، 11). بارَكَكُم الرَّبُّ جَميعًا وَحَماكُم دائِمًا مِنْ كُلِّ شَرّ!

[I greet the Arabic-speaking faithful. Christ the Lord has called us and still calls us to be one church. Our unity, as Christians, is a response to his will and to his prayer. When Jesus prayed, he said: "Holy Father, keep in your name those you have given me, so that they may be one, like us" (Jn 17:11). May the Lord bless you all and protect you always from all evil!]

Serdecznie pozdrawiam polskich pielgrzymów, a szczególnie lekarzy, którzy dzięki diecezji tarnowskiej w najbliższych tygodniach ratować życie kobiet i matek w Republice Środkowoafrykańskiej. Święty Franciszek Ksawery uczy nas, że głoszenie Ewangelii na peryferiach świata zawsze idzie w parze z pomocą medyczną i edukacyjną. Tego wsparcia, a także naszej modlitwy o pokój potrzebuje też umęczona Ukraina. Uczestnicząc w Nabożeństwach majowych, odmawiając różaniec, pamiętajcie szczególnie o doświadczonych wojną kobietach i dzieciach. Z serca wam błogosławię!

[I cordially greet the Polish pilgrims, especially the doctors who, thanks to the Diocese of Tarnow, will commit themselves in the coming weeks to saving the lives of women and mothers in the Republic

Source: Vatican.va with Screenshot
