#BreakingNews Inter-American Court Orders Nicaragua to Release Bishop Rolando José Alvarez Lagos Immediately

The Inter-American Court orders the State of Nicaragua
to immediately release Monsignor Rolando José Alvarez Lagos.
The Court found that, with the arrest of Monsignor Alvarez Lagos, a number of risk factors are set up that impose the adoption of Provisional Measures, as he is in a situation of gravity of irreparable damage to his life, health and personal integrity.
San José, June 28, 2023. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has notified the today to the State of Nicaragua the Resolution of Provisional Measures adopted in favor of Monsignor Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Bishop of Matagalpa, in which he ordered his release
In its Order, the Court found that, with the arrest of Monsignor Álvarez Lagos, configure a series of risk factors that require the adoption of Provisional Measures, since he is in a serious situation that irreparable damage is consumed to his life, health and personal integrity of him.
In addition, he maintained that this situation is aggravated because he would have been sentenced to “perpetual loss of citizen rights and loss of nationality
Nicaraguan", which places him in a situation of extreme vulnerability.
In this regard, the Court ordered:
1. To request the State of Nicaragua to immediately proceed to the
release of Monsignor Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Bishop of Matagalpa, likewise to adopt the necessary measures to effectively protect your life, health and
his personal integrity.
2. Require the State so that, while the administrative procedures are completed necessary for the immediate release of Monsignor Álvarez Lagos, proceed to guarantee dignified treatment through immediate access to health services, medicines and
adequate food, as well as to facilitate their contact with relatives and lawyers. This order may not be used to delay the release of the beneficiary.
3. Incorporate the Provisional Measures granted in this Resolution to the
Matter of Juan Sebastián Chamorro et al. regarding Nicaragua, so that the
situation of Monsignor Rolando José Álvarez Lagos is included within that
The Court granted a term until July 7, 2023 for the State of Nicaragua to inform it on the situation of Monsignor Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, in light of the measures adopted to comply with this decision.
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
This communication was drafted by the Secretariat of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights