#BreakingNews Desecration of the Eucharist at a Catholic Church in Panama with a Satanic Message - VIDEO

This August 9, 2023 consecrated hosts were found scattered on the floor of the Church of Mary Auxiliary (Help of Christians) in the Catholic community of Bejuco, Chame District in Panama. Some of the Hosts were used to write the phrase "Ariel Satan" and "lives".
This week, the parishioners of the church of María Auxiliadora in Bejuco (Panama) found that the Marian church had been desecrated and that the consecrated hosts (the Eucharist) were scattered on the floor, forming a satanic phrase. The sacrilegious act would have been committed on Wednesday, August 9. 
In the images released by the local press, it can be seen that a large number of hosts were scattered on the ground. However, on the left hand of the altar the hosts were arranged to form three crosses and the phrase: "Ariel satan, live". Also, various images of saints were moved and placed against the wall. The Police are investigating who or who would be the perpetrators of this desecration, but it has drawn attention that the doors and windows of the temple were not forced. It is not the first time that the premises have been desecrated and the parishioners ask that those responsible be found. In addition, as a form of reparation, some went to the doors of the temple to pray the Holy Rosary. This church is under the direct jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Panama. For this reason, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese, Fr. Carlos Mejía, spoke about the importance of caring for places of worship and formation in the faith.
Likewise, he made a call to redouble prayer.  In Jewish tradition, Ariel was another symbolic name for Jerusalem. Says the prophet Isaiah (29,1-2): “Oh, Ariel, Ariel, city against which David encamped! Add one year to another year, let the festivals complete their cycle: then I will oppress Ariel, there will be moans and groans, and you will be like an 'ariel' to me. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, in the temple of Jerusalem there was a "courtyard of the priests". There was an altar of burnt offerings there, the top of which “consisted of the ariel” (heart of God) and had a horn at each corner. It should be noted that "ariel" in Hebrew is "lion of God". However, in the sentence written during the desecration of the church, this name appears together with the word "Satan". Some occult groups have assigned the name "ariel" to a demon, and use it in some of their rituals.

Sources: https://rogerpavon27.wixsite.com/radiocatolicaonline/post/profanan-iglesia-de-mar%C3%ADa-auxiliadora-y-escriben-frase-sat%C3%A1nica-con-hostias-consagradas
Image Orando a San José
