#BreakingNews Over 6,000 at Pro-Life March for Life in Germany with many Youth and Support of the German Bishops


In beautiful weather, the chairwoman of the Federal Association for Life Rights, Alexandra Linder, in Berlin and the Cologne presenter Martine welcomed thousands of happy pro-life activists who had come from all over Germany.

“In no country in the world is there any evidence that abortion has any psychological, physical or emancipatory benefits for women.” In her opening speech, Linder spoke above all about the disregard for women and children by the abortion lobby, who simply do not care about the situation of those affected be.

A humane society would require protection, prevention, emancipation, not abortion. The same applies at the end of life, where one has to provide oases of life instead of assisted suicide.

In Cologne, where around 2,800 participants gathered, Prof. Dr. Paul Cullen, Chairman of Doctors for Life, Susanne Wenzel, Chairman of the CDL, and a pregnancy counselor. Berlin, with almost 4,000 participants, invited two foreign guests who spoke about euthanasia laws in Canada and abortion in the Netherlands. In addition, an affected father reported on his situation and relationship at the time, which led to the abortion of their child. The conclusion was organized by a large group of Youth for Life. Among the participants were several bishops and auxiliary bishops; Archbishop Koch, together with Pastor Albrecht Weißbach, donated a travel blessing in Berlin after the demonstration.
While the Berlin police routinely and reliably always had the situation under control, the Cologne police were apparently surprised by the willingness to use violence of the anti-democratic demonstrators. The emergency services were overwhelmed on several occasions; there was vandalism, attempts to break through, blockades and even some physical attacks, in which fortunately no one was seriously injured.

The mood among the participants remained good, peaceful and friendly, even when they were insulted in the most obnoxious ways during the rally and on the demonstration.

In view of the great success and popularity of the March for Life, which was held for the first time in two locations, there will probably be at least two major events at the same time next year, on September 21, 2024.SEPTEMBER 16, 2023


This year too, the German Bishops' Conference is sent a greeting to the Federal Association for the Right to Life at the March for Life, which took place simultaneously in Berlin and Cologne on September 16th from 1 p.m.

In his letter, Bishop Dr. Bätzing, in addition to the questions about the beginning and end of life, stem cell research is also an important topic. This area will play a special role in the coming years as a new definition of the term “embryo” has recently been proposed and researchers continue to work on a new form of reproductive cloning.

In addition, the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference emphasizes how important it is as a church to publicly stand up for the "right to life of the unborn, weak or dying person". “Every person has a right to life.” Bishop Dr. Bätzing would therefore like to thank the Federal Association for Life Law for its commitment. His greeting is available as a PDF file.

Source: Press Release https://bundesverband-lebensrecht.de/grosser-erfolg-an-zwei-standorten-weit-ueber-6-000-lebensrechtler-beim-marsch-fuer-das-leben-in-berlin-und-koeln/
