2. It is celebrated on the first two days of the Jewish new year, Tishrei 1 and 2, beginning at sundown on the eve of Tishrei 1. Rosh Hashanah (5783) in 2023 begins at sundown on September 15 and continues to September 17.
3. It is celebrated by Candle lighting in the evenings, prayer services, festive meals with eating sweet delicacies during the night and day.
4. At the prayer services the ram’s horn (shofar) is sounded on both mornings.
5. As the horn is being blown, you are to think about your actions in the past year, repent, start afresh etc.
6. It’s also traditional to wear white (as a colour of purity) on Rosh Hashanah. New clothes are also traditional.
7. The following week is regarded as a period of reflection (although normal life resumes), culminating next weekend in the festival of Yom Kippur – a 25-hour fast during which ‘repenting’ becomes important.8. Many Jews who converted to Catholicism still celebrate these Jewish festivals.
9. It is traditional to say Shanah Tovah Umetukah (Hebrew: שנה טובה ומתוקה), meaning "A Good and Sweet Year".
10. Traditionally, apples, honey and bread (Challah) are eaten - You can find some easy recipes here: https://www.chabad.org/recipes/recipe_cdo/aid/4323/jewish/Rosh-Hashanah-Recipes.htm
Image Source chanukkah2016.com
Watch this Video Explaining Rosh Hashanah and the Jewish Roots of Catholicism: