Over 2,000 at the March for Life Vienna, Austria, with Counter-protestors held in check by Police

Over 2,000 participants at Austria's largest life pro-life event call for: support of women, protection of children, and making abortion unthinkable!
Participants were on the streets at the March for Life 2023 in Vienna, the pro-life advocates committed themselves to the universal right to life of every human being. The topic of protecting unborn life in Austria is popular since the plans for abortions in state-run state hospitals that have just been averted.
“Peace begins in the womb. That's why it's so nice that thousands of people demonstrated today happily, peacefully and with the necessary clarity for the weakest in our society. The March for Life is a demonstration, it sends a clear signal, but it is also an opportunity to celebrate life and demand the right to live,” said organizer Felicitas Trachta.
The rally at Karlsplatz in Vienna began with short, impressive speeches. Dr. Felix Böllmann, head of the European legal department at ADF International, emphasized: “Every person has a right to life! Nobody is allowed to kill an innocent person – international human rights law is clear here.”

Petra Plonner, the chairwoman of the citizens' initiative #fairchangen, cited a representative study from 2023, according to which 80% of the population would like more support for pregnant women in need: “Most people know that an abortion is not a solution. They want pregnant women to be able to say “yes” to having a child. There is a lot to do here – but society supports our demands!”

Sonja Horswell, the head of the aid organization SaveOne Europe, reported on her help and pastoral care for people after an abortion: “The severe suffering after an abortion is often kept quiet and taboo. But I see it every day in my work. Protecting life is the best prevention. Thank you all for your commitment to this!”
In a short contribution by Johannes Reinprecht, the director of the Institute for Marriage and Family in Vienna, he pointed out that “90% of children suspected of having Down syndrome before birth are aborted.” Reinprecht, herself has a child with Down syndrome, she continued: “We all say yes to unborn life. But we also say yes to all possible help for mothers and fathers after the birth - especially if the child has a disability.
Moderator Ludwig Brühl was delighted with the many participants and quoted Mother Theresa: “Peace begins in the womb. It's great that thousands of people came to Vienna to be the voice for those who don't yet have a voice and are not heard. Our motto is “Love them both – mother and child”. Our goal as a March for Life and right-to-life movement is clear: We want the best possible support for mothers and families in all situations, so that everyone can say “yes” to the child. And we demand equal rights for everyone - legal protection for those who particularly need it: unborn, old and sick people. “You don’t have to earn your right to live,” he said after the event.
A few counter-demonstrators tried to intimidate families and children and block the demonstration under the slogan “March to Hell”. Even before the event, Green Party councilor Victoria Spielfrau caused a scandal: she called for a counter-protest that threatened life-protectors with murder in pictures.
The police had the situation very well under control and surrounded the illegal left-wing extremist demonstrators. Several left-wing extremists were arrested for assembly law violations and violations of the ban on masking.
“It is a scandal that a politician with enemies of life shows up and supports a law-breaking protest. Intimidation towards children, families and the elderly is unacceptable. “This must also have political consequences,” said Ludwig Brühl.
As planned, the event ended again at Karlsplatz in Vienna at around 4 p.m. Participants and organizers agreed: the event was a great success. Highly motivated young people distributed save-the-date flyers: The next March for Life will take place on October 5, 2024.
Source: https://www.mfleben.at/
