Pope Francis Consecrates the World, Amid Wars, to Our Lady, Queen of Peace at Vatican Prayer Vigil - FULL VIDEO

at the end of the Pacem in Terris prayer hour at the Vatican's Basilica of Saint Peter on Friday, October 27, 2023 - Hundreds joined to pray with Pope Francis for peace in the world. The Pope named October 27 as one of prayer, fasting and penance. The prayer vigil with the faithful included a rosary and Eucharistic adoration. He asked Mary to bring peace and strength to all who are victims of war in any way.  After the Pope's plea, the choir sang the Eucharistic song “Ostia Divina” as the faithful continued to pray for peace in the Middle East.
Free PRAYER Booklet PDF from the Vatican Vigil https://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/libretti/2023/20231027-libretto-preghiera-per-la-pace.pdf
FULL TEXT Prayer of Pope Francis: Maria, look at us! We are here in front of you. You are Mother, you know our struggles and our wounds. You, Queen of Peace, suffer with us and for us, seeing so many of your children tested by conflicts, distressed by the wars that tear the world apart.
It's a dark hour. This is a dark hour, Mother.

And in this dark hour we immerse ourselves in your bright eyes and we rely on your heart, sensitive to our problems. It was not free from anxieties and fears: how much apprehension when there was no room for Jesus in the lodging, how much fear when you fled to Egypt in a hurry because Herod wanted to kill him, how much anguish when you lost him in the temple! But, Mother, in trials you were courageous, you were bold: you trusted in God and responded to apprehension with care, to fear with love, to anguish with offering.

Mother, you did not hold back, but in the decisive moments you took the initiative: you quickly went to Elizabeth, at the wedding at Cana you obtained the first miracle from Jesus, in the Cenacle you kept the disciples united. And when on Calvary a sword pierced your soul, you, Mother, humble woman, strong woman, weaved the night of pain with Easter hope.
Now, Mother, take the lead once again; take it for us, in these times torn by conflicts and devastated by weapons. Turn your gaze of mercy on the human family, which has lost the path to peace, which has preferred Cain to Abel and, losing the sense of brotherhood, cannot find the atmosphere of home again. Intercede for our world in danger and turmoil. Teach us to welcome and care for life - every human life! – and to repudiate the madness of war, which sows death and erases the future.
Mary, many times you have come to meet me, asking for prayer and penance. We, however, taken by our needs and distracted by many worldly interests, have been deaf to your invitations. But you, who love us, do not get tired of us, Mother. Take us by the hand. Take us by the hand and guide us to conversion, let us put God first. Help us to safeguard unity in the Church and to be artisans of communion in the world. Remind us of the importance of our role, make us feel responsible for peace, called to pray and adore, to intercede and make amends for the entire human race.
Mother, we can't do it alone, without your Son we can't do anything. But you bring us back to Jesus, who is our peace. Therefore, Mother of God and ours, we come to you, we seek refuge in your immaculate Heart. We invoke mercy, Mother of mercy; peace, Queen of peace! Shake the souls of those trapped by hatred, convert those who fuel and foment conflicts. Dry the children's tears - they cry a lot at this time! –, assist those who are alone and elderly, support the wounded and the sick, protect those who have had to leave their homeland and their dearest loved ones, console the disheartened, reawaken hope.
We entrust to you and consecrate our lives, every fiber of our being, what we have and are, forever. We consecrate the Church to you so that, by testifying to the world about the love of Jesus, it may be a sign of agreement and an instrument of peace. We consecrate our world to you, especially we consecrate to you the countries and regions at war.
The faithful people call you the dawn of salvation: Mother, open glimmers of light in the night of conflicts. You, abode of the Holy Spirit, inspire ways of peace to the leaders of the nations. You, Lady of all peoples, reconcile your children, seduced by evil, blinded by power and hatred. You, who are close to each one, shorten our distances. You, who have compassion for everyone, teach us to take care of others. You, who reveal the tenderness of the Lord, make us witnesses of his consolation. Mother, You, Queen of Peace, pour the harmony of God into our hearts. Amen.
