Pope Francis says "It pains us that the truce has been broken.... I hope that all those who are involved may reach a new ceasefire...find solutions other than weapons, trying to take courageous paths to peace." for Israel and Palestine


After the Angelus on Advent Sunday, December 3, 2023,

Pope Francis said: Dear brothers and sisters,
In Israel and Palestine the situation is serious. It pains us that the truce has been broken: this means death, destruction, misery. Many hostages have been freed, but many are still in Gaza. Let us think about them, their families who had seen a light, a hope to embrace their loved ones again. In Gaza there is much suffering; there is a lack of basic necessities. I hope that all those who are involved may reach a new ceasefire agreement as soon as possible and find solutions other than weapons, trying to take courageous paths to peace.
SEE ALSO : Pope Francis' Angelus Advent Message
I wish to assure my prayer for the victims of the attack that occurred this morning in the Philippines, where a bomb exploded during Mass. I am close to the families and the people of Mindanao, who have already suffered so much.
Albeit at a distance, I follow the work of COP 28 in Dubai with great attention. I am close. I reiterate my appeal for a response to climate change with concrete political changes; let us come out of the straits of particularism and nationalism, mindsets of the past, and embrace a common vision, all making every effort now, without delay, for a necessary global conversion.

Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Welcoming and including those who experience this condition helps society as a whole to become more humane. In families, in parishes, in schools, at work, in sport: let us learn to value every person with his or her qualities and abilities, excluding no-one.

I greet you all affectionately, Romans and pilgrims from Italy and other parts of the world, in particular the Polish people taking part in the events organized in Rome in honour of the Ulma martyr family, recently beatified.

I greet all the pilgrims and parish groups from Florence, Siena, Brindisi, Cosenza and Adrano.

I wish you all a good Sunday and a good Advent journey. Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch, and arrivederci!
