Wow Artist Reconstructs the Face of the Blessed Virgin Mary Using the Shroud of Turin and AI

 Brazilian designer Átila Soares da Costa Filho, a specialist in History, Archeology and Heritage, had presented, in 2021, what would be the true face of the mother of Christ based on the reconstructions of the Holy Shroud and the work of American filmmaker Ray Downing. At the time, the Brazilian academic commented: “I carried out several experiments with artificial intelligence software for age regression. I also used an image editing program and another to define the shape of the face and, finally, some manual artistic retouching on my part. The idea was to obtain the probable physiognomy of a Palestinian woman from 2000 years ago, at the age of giving birth and more mature, around 33 years old.”

He Answers the Question - What did the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus Really Look Like?

To the natural question about how one would arrive at the mother's physiognomy just from the features of her son, Attila responds: “The Church's doctrine of faith professes that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Therefore, Mary conceived the Messiah supernaturally by the Holy Spirit, without carnal union with any man. Therefore, only Mary, her mother, would have a biological attribution regarding the human nature of Christ.” A younger version of Mary is below:

The results of the first stage of the project, in 2021, have been widely publicized inside and outside Brazil, and were approved by the world's leading Sindonologist, researcher and lecturer Barrie M. Schwortz, official photographer of the historic STURP Project. The subject was also a cover story in the Italian magazine “FAMIGLIA CRISTIANA: MARIA CON TE” (Milan). It was also featured on the cover of the American tabloid “SUPER EXPRESS”, in addition to being featured in “NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC”. Since 2021, the study has been included in the archives of the Department of Studies of the Sanctuary of Fátima, Portugal.

 Átila Soares da Costa Filho has a degree in Industrial Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and has postgraduate degrees in History, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Art History, Archeology and Heritage. Author of 5 books and several articles published in more than 100 countries, he is a member of the scientific committee of the Mona Lisa Foundation (Zurich), the Leonardo da Vinci Foundation (Milan) and the National Committee for the Valorization of Historical, Cultural and Environmental Heritage ( Pomegranate).

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