A Catholic Nun who went Viral for her Beautiful Smile after her Death is Now being Considered for Sainthood!

A Catholic Nun, from Argentina, who went viral for her beautiful smile after her death, in 2016, from a painful cancer is now being considered for canonization. An edict was issued corresponding to the consultations, before the possible opening of the cause of beatification and canonization of Sister Cecilia María de la Santa Faz, ocd.(Sister Cecilia María of the Holy Face) The Archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz in Argentina, Sergio Fenoy, signed the edict. Cecilia María Sánchez Sorondo was born on December 5th, 1973. Miracles attributed to her intercession can be sent to: cancilleria@arquisantafe.org.ar or by post to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz (Av. Gral. López 2720, Santa Fe, Argentina).
Sister Cecilia Maria lived in the Monastery of Santa Teresa and San Jose, Santa Fe, Argentina.

At 26 she made her first vows as a Discalced Carmelite and reaffirmed her vows in 2003. In January she was diagnosed with tongue cancer then it metastasized to the lungs. This caused her death at age 43.
Before leaving, religious wrote her last wish on a piece of paper:
"I was thinking how I wanted my funeral. First pray, then make a big party. Do not forget to pray but also to celebrate!. "
The Carmel released this notice:
 Dear brothers, sisters and friends: Jesus! Just a few lines to let you know that our very dear little sister has softly fallen asleep in the Lord, after an extremely painful illness, which she always endured with joy and surrender to her Divine Spouse. We send you all of our affection, thankful for your support and prayer during this time that is so sorrowful and yet also so marvelous. We believe that she flew directly to heaven, but all the same, we ask that you do not fail to pray for her. From heaven, she will reward you. A warm embrace from your sisters of Santa Fe.

Edited from Prensalibre - Images Facebook - Curia Generalizia
