The parish priest of Pennaconi, a hamlet of Cessaniti, in the Vibo area, Italy, Fr. Felice Palamara, 39 years old, was almost poisoned. After the threats of recent days for his commitment against organized crime (Mafia), someone put bleach in the Mass wine. He put his lips to the glass and smelled a suspicious odor. This priest, in 2008, was healed through the intercession of Fr. Mottola, who became blessed in 2021, precisely by virtue of that miracle. (story continues below the video)
Other attacks included a threatening letter, his car damaged and now bleach in the water and wine cruets used in the celebration of Mass. The priest, pastor of San Nicola di Pannaconi parish, thwarted this last attempt during the celebration: when he put the chalice to his mouth he smelled a strange odor and decided not to drink, subsequently discovering, through laboratory analysis, that the vials contained bleach. The bishop of the diocese of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, Monsignor Attilio Nostro, immediately showed closeness to the priest by going to his community. The diocese "is experiencing a moment of suffering due to acts of intimidation that have nothing to do with the normal Christian life of the parishes", we read in a note: "For this reason I once again appeal to the Christian communities so that they do not allow themselves to be discouraged by this language of violence. We must not give in to this logic, allowing ourselves to be tempted by despair and anger. We cannot accept this language, we must not respond to hatred with hatred, knowing that it is not possible to truly dialogue with those who refuse to do so."
"My revenge is called love" wrote the priest, who is part of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart founded by the Blessed Fr Francesco Mottola and who today are close to his brother. «My shield is forgiveness, my armor is mercy», wrote Fr Palamara on social media, adding that my ability to act will be that of welcoming, «my word is prayer, my gesture is an open heart, my battle is their change. I will not dwell on obstacles, nor will I be frightened by the darkness, because beyond everything whoever he is, whatever has been done for me is, and remains that brother only to love, even if justice must take its course" .
A few days earlier he had written: «Love is that weapon that cures, heals, saves even before those who possess it, those who use it, since only love is that breath that pushes you to fly high, not to fall into the vileness of hatred, of resentment, but to avenge yourself only with forgiveness". Significant words from this young priest born in Tropea in 1985 and became a priest on 13 May 2011. He first led the parish of Santa Maria dei Cento Ferri in Panaia di Spilinga and has been parish priest at the San Nicola in Pannaconi community for 10 years. During his journey to become a priest Fr Palamara received the miracle that led to the beatification, in 2021, of Fr Francesco Mottola, who passed away in 1969 (after 27 years in a wheelchair), defined as a "street Carthusian", and "witness of the sufferings of Christ."
Source: famigliacristiana