Ever Wonder How St Thomas Aquinas Died? 5 Facts about Saint Thomas Aquinas who Died on March 7th 1274 - 750 Years Ago!

St. Thomas Aquinas died 750 years ago, on March 7, 1274, at the age of forty-nine. St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelic Doctor, pray for us.
1. Aquinas was born and raised in a castle, in Italy
2. He was sent to study in a Benedictine monastery at age 5
3. He later ran away from home to follow his Dominican Vocation.
4. He is one of the 37 Doctors of the Church
5. He is the Patron Saint of Catholic schools and students
SEE Also: Novena to St. Thomas Aquinas https://www.catholicnewsworld.com/2023/01/novena-to-st-thomas-aquinas-patron-of.html
Here is how this great Saint died: 
Feeling seriously ill, he asked with great devotion that someone bring him to the monastery of Santa Maria at Fossanova, which was nearby. On entering he leaned on the wall with his hand and said: "This is my rest for ever and ever: here will I dwell for I have chosen it."19 It was a Cistercian monastery; he had come back to Saint Benedict to die. He was ill for a month, enduring it all with great patience and humility. The monks carried wood with their own hands from the forest to make a fire for him, judging it unfitting that beasts of burden should carry the wood for the use of so great a man. And he, each time he saw them come into the room where he was lying, raised himself humbly and with great veneration, saying: "How does it happen that holy men are bringing me wood?" At the request of some monks, he explained briefly the Canticle of Canticles; then he asked for Viaticum. The Abbot, attended by his monks, brought him the Body of the Lord. When he saw the Host, he threw himself on the floor, burst into tears, and greeted Him with words of admirable and prolonged adoration: "I receive Thee, Price of my redemption, Viaticum of my pilgrimage, for love of Whom I have studied and watched, toiled, preached, and taught. Never have I said anything against Thee; but if I have done so, it is through ignorance, and I do not persist in my opinions, and if I have done anything wrong, I leave all to the correction of the Roman Church. It is in this obedience to Her that I depart from this life." He died three days later on March 7, 1274. He was forty-nine.
Source: https://www3.nd.edu/~maritain/jmc/etext/thomas1.htm
