Pope Francis to Preside at "24 hours for the Lord" with World-wide 24-hours of Confession and Adoration of the Eucharist in Catholic Churches


Pope Francis to preside over upcoming '24 Hours for the Lord,' as just released by the Vatican.
For this initiative the pope invites churches around the world to join this Lent for prayer and reconciliation. Pope Francis will preside over the opening of 24 Hours for the Lord' prayer service on March 8th, at the Roman parish of Saint Pio V.
Traditionally, Pope Francis usually goes to confession himself before entering the confessional as a confessor.
This is the eleventh edition of the '24 Hours for the Lord' Lenten to begin this Lent on Friday, according to a statement from the Dicastery for Evangelization.

This event is held annually in dioceses worldwide on the eve of the fourth Sunday of Lent. It involves a time dedicated to prayer and reconciliation, which was inaugurated by Pope Francis at the start of his pontificate. The theme for this year's event is "Walking in a New Life," derived from the bible; Romans chapter 6.
Friday's service will begin at 4:30 pm at the parish in Rome's Aurelio district, near the Vatican. The faithful who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be able to have Pope Francis himself listening to their confession.
In  addition, to prepare for Easter, on Friday evening and throughout the day on Saturday, church communities are called to provide extraordinary openings of churches, so to offer the faithful the opportunity to confess and to be silent in adoration at any time.
The Holy Father, since last year, has chosen a different church within the Roman capital, in order to foster  parish participation.
The Dicastery for Evangelization invites all dioceses and parishes, in Italy and throughout the world, to celebrate the moment of prayer and forgiveness in local communities.
The Pope recently declared this a Year of Prayer, so the Dicastery has made available a free prayer book to help in personal prayer and community celebrations.
They can be downloaded in English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and French from the Dicastery website.
FREE Jubilee Prayer book from the Vatican: https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/content/dam/iubilaeum2025/foto-sezioni/2024-anno-della-preghiera/insegnaci-a-pregare/pdf/ENG_Sulla-preghiera-A5-76P-SITO.pdf
