Everyone knows the Rosary and the Cross are Religious articles that give an identity and are a sacred value to an individual who wears and uses them. While we may treat this as an isolated case, we wish to condemn this appalling and distressing incident in the strongest terms. This is one incident among several others that have occurred in our country recently and we fear that this has the potential to disrupt the peace that the Malawian society is known for.
In our recent Pastoral Letter, The Sad story of Malawi, we warned Malawians against developing tendencies that demonstrate Religious intolerance. Every peace-loving Malawian knows that the Supreme Law of our Nation which is our Constitution provides for freedom of worship and thus every citizen has the right to belong to any religious grouping of his or her choice and cannot therefore be barred from practicing and indeed, manifesting the religion of his or her choice anywhere in the country.
We are however hopeful that since this particular matter has been left in the hands of the law enforcers they will diligently investigate this horrific attack on the Catholic nun and other similar cases, so that justice is done and that these degenerating hateful tendencies of religious intolerances are curtailed and dealt with once and for all.
We call on and urge Religious leaders and indeed all our leaders in society to preach peace and peaceful co-existence with one another to their flock. We further urge the same leaders to live this by their own examples.
Family of God filled with the Holy Spirit living int Harmony, Peace and Solidarity
from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malawi, Africa
Representative Image of Nuns in Malawi from Twitter - Not of the specific nun mentioned