Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York Announces he Will Visit Israel and Palestine as Chair of the CNEWA

Chaired ex officio by the archbishops of New York, CNEWA is an agency of the Holy See founded by Pope Pius XI as an instrument of love and a sign of hope for those in need scattered throughout the historic but troubled lands of the ancient Eastern churches — the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe. Pope Pius XII founded Pontifical Mission to coordinate worldwide Catholic aid to Palestinian refugees who had fled their homes during the first Arab Israeli conflict. The pope placed Pontifical Mission’s leadership and administration under CNEWA. Subsequent pontiffs have since extended Pontifical Mission’s mandate to help meet the needs of all vulnerable persons throughout the Middle East.
As in previous visits, Cardinal Dolan will meet with various Israeli and Palestinian representatives, human rights groups and works of the local churches, including the Paul VI Ephpheta Institute for the Hearing Impaired, the House of Grace and the Notre Dame des Douleurs Home for Aged. He also hopes to meet with families of hostages, visit the Aida Refugee Camp near Bethlehem and share a Sabbath meal with Jewish friends.
About CNEWA:
Catholic Near East Welfare Association was founded by Pope Pius XI in 1926 as an instrument of love and a sign of hope for those in need scattered throughout the historic but unstable lands of the ancient Eastern churches — the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe.
For nearly 100 years CNEWA has walked side by side with those in need. We have prayed with them when they were attacked, comforted them when they grieved, fed them when they hungered, bandaged them when they bled, sheltered them when they had no place to call home. We have been there, always, through the arms of the living body of Christ, the church, as they live for others, counseling the despondent, caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, teaching the eager and forming the next generation of leaders.
CNEWA is a network of generous and compassionate people scattered throughout the world, committed to living Jesus’ great command to “love one another” by reaching out to their neighbors in need, regardless of where their neighbor may be.
This network links our generous donors with the laity, priests, sisters and bishops of the local churches — CNEWA’s “boots on the ground” — who receive our help and touch countless lives in incalculable ways in Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine.